Insecurity killed my last relationship.
I'm not the lovey dovey type, or the type to send constant texts, and give you 2 hour phonecalls. Its just not me. And she was wanting that because that's what she does/was used to.
She always wanted me to "prove" my love, and she would do the same by buying me shit, and doing things for me, or just constantly telling me her feelings. No matter how many times i told her that i don't need anything, she'd still do it.
I know your worth, otherwise i wouldn't be with you. And you should know your worth to me, otherwise, i wouldn't be spending all this time with you.
The onus to "fix" things was always on me as well. As i said, I'm not much for talking on the phone, but it's not like I would ignore a call from her...but she doesn't call, she wants ME to call her to prove my love. It was just silly childish stuff. If you want to talk to me, then just call. There comes a certain point in a relationship where you get to know a person and you have to just accept who theywere
She also didn't seem to understand the value i give towards my friends and alone time. I need my dude time and my alone time. And i think it's equally important for her to have her girl time.
But that would turn into an argument that i cared more about my friends than i did her.
She was a sweet girl, but that shit got old. Im dating an older chick now. SO much less drama and bullshit.
Haven't even had as much of a single argument or gotten attitude out of her in the 3 months we've been dating so far