What about the opposite sex confuses you the most?

When they tell you do something and then get mad when you do it.
Do you have an example?
You know then when your chick yells, “Fine! Go ahead and fuck that other bitch then!!”—you’re not actually supposed to do it, right?

edit: @BearGrounds hit on this topic already it looks like.
The irrationality during their period.
One of my first girlfriends asked me to finish her off and then brought it up during a fight. "I had to ASK!!!!!"

That’s pretty funny. She actually does have a point though. If you go down on someone/have sex with someone, it’s kind of assumed that you’re in it for the long haul.
The wall that most women put up. I understand why they do it, I just think it's really retarded that they do.

Everyone has a wall that they put up when they don't feel like dealing with people, but why put up a wall when you are in a social setting that you chose to attend?

I get that it's probably annoying to deal with guys that are creepy or socially awkward, but how many cool people did you miss out on meeting because you spent the entire night with a horrible look on your face. Lol.
I don't understand how all wimmin aren't 100% lesbo
I don't understand how all wimmin aren't 100% lesbo
This made me lol.

If there was a third gender and free, reliable sperm dispensaries, i suspect most guys would never get laid again.
Idk why they want you to just know what they’re thinking and what they want, and they can’t just say it.

There’s a lot of other shit too. Like why can’t they reconcile who they want to be with who they are? They claim they just do everything for the man they’re with, then later have to “find themselves” because they were busy taking care of their man. But they wanted to do that. That’s who they are.
I’m always shocked by how much women seem to hate each other.
What is squirting is it piss or orgasm juice? I just cant finger it out...

Get it finger lol
this, plus why they then deny it.

They try to pretend they have heaps of besties etc but when they're being honest they'll certainly let you know their true thoughts. Blokes bitch about their mates too of course but they're more likely to let them know to their face when they're annoying them, in my experience anyway.
How they get anything done. Especially the real attractive ones. With the constant attention and hounding from every body:
When they say they want a good guy or nice guy but then continue dating the opposite
That's not really confusing. They want one for his resources and the others for sex, but they can't exactly come right out and say that because nobody would be the resource guy.
How they manage to fill a purse the size of a pillowcase with absolutely nothing useful.
"Got a pen?"






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