What’s Worse Than Passing a Kidney Stone?

Passing two at the same time

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But it gets better:

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Fuck my life

Peri rectal abscess... Chriiiiiist... Felt like rusty rebar being pulled out
i have an inoperable cyst on my testicle. when it "flares" up it pulses with pain. radiating outward from the center of the cyst. when the pain happens it tneses my whole lower body. excrutiating. have had two kidney stones. pain medicine when i had them worked pretty well. passing it sucked. the cyst on my ball hurts twice as bad. but then again pain is subjective.
Legitimately terrified of them. Serious pain sucks.

I've been through some incredibly painful times and I've always wondered where kidney stones would rank in my personal pain olympics.

They sound like an absolutely horrendous time.

Good luck bro.
Never had a kidney stone, but the worst pain I ever had was when my kidneys almost shut down from dehydration. You know the pain you get when you have a bad muscle cramp? Now imagine every muscle in your body cramping at basically the same time......over.....and over......and over again for hours straight. I literally wanted to die (and thought I was going to).

I think this happened to me in the past. I got really bad back spasms, my entire torso would spasm for a few seconds over and over. Worst pain ever, drove myself to the ER.

Then ran a bunch of tests and scans to check for kidney stones but found nothing. Eventually they gave me morphine and dilaudid plus IV fluids and I was good.
I'll be 35 in a few weeks. Never had one.

I had my first about halfway through first semester of 3L. Two months earlier I had a kidney ultrasound to screen for polycystic kidney disease, which my grandfather on my mother’s side and his mother both died of relatively young. The good news was I didn’t have PKD. The bad news was they identified a kidney stone. So my GP gave me a referral to go see a urologist who sent me for a kidney X-ray. The stone didn’t show up on the X-ray so the urologist said something smart assy along the lines of “you’re too young for a kidney stone. See you when you’re in your 50s kid”. Six weeks later I was in the ER. What a fucking jack ass.
Taking a shit whilst having externally thrombosed hemorrhoids. Don't wish that on my worst enemy
Never had one and I hope I never do!

I drink water throughout the day and have maybe one soda every 2 days.
doesn't bicarb soda and apple cider vinegar break them up? Bah I can't remember.
I've had numerous stones. Most pass on their own, but are painful and usually require an ER visit. A had the laser surgery s couple years ago for a stuck stone. The worst part was having a stent for a week. It also sucks when they pull the stent out through your pee hole.

I currently have numerous stones in both kidneys. They can stay in there for years. You never know when they might start to exit until you get that sharp pain.