Media What’s everyone eating, drinking, etc. for UFC 283?

Nothing special, really. Just a couple of these:
I'll have to watch it at work, so unfortunately no booze for me. I will however be eating hoogies
Twisted Tea's. I can never pace myself when I drink those so im pessimistic about being able to make it all the way to the main event.

I won't even touch those things anymore. The first time I had them I was like 20 and the shit went down like water. I put down almost the entire case in a few hours at a New Year's party.

I don't remember much aside from being half conscious, hanging over the side of a bathtub while random chicks came into pee in front of me.

I also puked in the sink and clogged it, but somehow nobody figured out it was me.
Local pizza places are always the way to go. Chain places are just for late night when the good ones close.
Some leftover Chinese food.

I might get crazy and make an iced mocha afterwards.
My killer mocha recipe created by me @Kryptt


o 2 cups cold coffee frozen into cubes – Dunkin Donuts recommended
o 2 cups almond milk
o 3 1/2 Tbsp chocolate syrup
o 3 1/2 Tbsp granulated sugar
o Whipped cream for garnish
o Extra chocolate syrup for garnish
o Chocolate bar shaved, for garnish


1. Brew coffee and let cool to almost room temperature.
2. Carefully pour coffee into ice cube trays and freeze.
3. Add frozen coffee cubes, almond milk, chocolate syrup and sugar to blender.
4. Blend until desired texture is reached.

Top with whipped cream, a drizzle of chocolate syrup and shaved chocolate if you'd like
My killer mocha recipe created by me @Kryptt


o 2 cups cold coffee frozen into cubes – Dunkin Donuts recommended
o 2 cups almond milk
o 3 1/2 Tbsp chocolate syrup
o 3 1/2 Tbsp granulated sugar
o Whipped cream for garnish
o Extra chocolate syrup for garnish
o Chocolate bar shaved, for garnish


1. Brew coffee and let cool to almost room temperature.
2. Carefully pour coffee into ice cube trays and freeze.
3. Add frozen coffee cubes, almond milk, chocolate syrup and sugar to blender.
4. Blend until desired texture is reached.

Top with whipped cream, a drizzle of chocolate syrup and shaved chocolate if you'd like

Making some homemade pizzas tonight. Margherite I think and maybe something else.
For libations, I’ll be enjoying some whiskies I recently picked up:
The 4th Booker’s batch of 2022 which is called Pinkie’s Batch, and Smoke Wagon Uncut Unfiltered.
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Also got my usual Mindy’s hybrid gummies, and Ozone sativa gummies
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Well, I doubt people like it, but I'm having some split pea soup with ham. Many people dislike it, but it's the first homemade meal I've had in a while and I love the saltiness of it. Also, my aunt is throwing a habanero in there for some spice just because she knows I like spicy food. I'm sure I'll like it.

Not sure what I'll drink yet.
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We know it, we love it, we do it all for n fun, but that being said…

Ooooooooooo hell yea and shit Sherladies and Gentlebros, it is that time, that’s right it’s Fight Night. Now while there is two amazing title fights tonight, im dedicating this one to the absolute Legend that is Shogun Rua as he makes that walk for the last time…

So let’s all enjoy ourselves, stay safe, and do this shit up right…

Grub: Pizza from a local place…

Chug: Bud lite 16oz…
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Drug: Lemon Larry OG…

Having a bunch of people over for this one, to witness the last fight of a true Pride legend and one of my all time favorites, mother fucken Shogun fucken Ruaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Going to a wedding so whatever they serve... while I stream it..