Werdum's chin


Nov 19, 2011
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I keep hearing Werdum has a great chin. Are people just quickly scanning wikipedia? When I see Werdum fights, I keep seeing him flopping to guard whenever to avoid getting hit. Can anyone post gifs where Werdum getting hit flushed and not get KO'ed?
He took an overhand right from Nelson, took lots of big shots from Nog, knees from Overeem, a big overhand right from Overeem in their first fight. He also took that uppercut from JDS and wasn't KOd but finished by the following ground and pound.
he doesn't need a chin

like you said he is flopping to guard against better strikers and with this strategy he is the slayer of great fedor
Good chin =/= not caring about getting hit

Yeah for sure, but I keep hearing how Werdum's stand up is superior to Velaquez's because Werdum has a better chin than Velasquez. That may be true, or may not be, but I just haven't seen it.
It's prob just the fact that he only has one KO loss, and everyone remembers that ear wiggling affair. But thats it, no one else has finished him. And he has fought several great strikers, alot of horrible ones too though.
Its not absolutely iron but its damn decent. And unless you completely stun him, its massively risky trying to follow that sneaky mofo to the ground.
werdum has to beat about 2-3 people for a title shot (depending on the opponents). I would love to see him fight Mir / Barnett - if he gets through these two then a title shot is earned imho. he can also rematch jds and if he wins, then he should get a shot.
He took an overhand right from Nelson, took lots of big shots from Nog, knees from Overeem, a big overhand right from Overeem in their first fight. He also took that uppercut from JDS and wasn't KOd but finished by the following ground and pound.

That JDS uppercut put his ass out. I dont know what fight you watched. He fell in a way that only people who are knocked out cold fall
I keep hearing Werdum has a great chin. Are people just quickly scanning wikipedia? When I see Werdum fights, I keep seeing him flopping to guard whenever to avoid getting hit. Can anyone post gifs where Werdum getting hit flushed and not get KO'ed?

Just cause you try to get your opponent into guard that doesn't mean your chin is bad. It means your BJJ is dank and you want to use it.
I keep hearing Werdum has a great chin. Are people just quickly scanning wikipedia? When I see Werdum fights, I keep seeing him flopping to guard whenever to avoid getting hit. Can anyone post gifs where Werdum getting hit flushed and not get KO'ed?

lol you saw one fight with Overeem didn't you..

Werdum is very confident on the feet, watch him against Nelson, a guy with proven KO power.
he doesn't need a chin

like you said he is flopping to guard against better strikers and with this strategy he is the slayer of great fedor

from his own mouth he said that Fedor dropped him -- he didn't deliberately hit the canvas in that fight
he has a decent chin, was dropped against big foot, was rocked two or three times against noguiera, but hes taken some big shots and only been KO'd once....i think he has a decent chin, great ground game and good recovery whereas cain has a decent chin, a great wrestling game and probably better recovery.
Its not of course just a question of ability to avoid being KOed but rather how you spond to getting hurt.

Werdum has a good chin in the physical sense albeit not on the level of a Hunt or a Fujita but its his ability to scamble or tie up opponants when hurt that makes him so tough to finish.

As has been mentioned not wanting to be hit doesnt equal inability to take a hit, to me Barnett has always looked a bit warey of punishment post Rizzo KO but when it comes to it he can take the shots very well.
from his own mouth he said that Fedor dropped him -- he didn't deliberately hit the canvas in that fight

I keep hearing Werdum has a great chin. Are people just quickly scanning wikipedia? When I see Werdum fights, I keep seeing him flopping to guard whenever to avoid getting hit. Can anyone post gifs where Werdum getting hit flushed and not get KO'ed?

werdum = overrated . as soon as he hits anyone from top 5 , he will be beat badly
lol you saw one fight with Overeem didn't you..

Werdum is very confident on the feet, watch him against Nelson, a guy with proven KO power.

These are the fights I've seen Werdum in: Overeem I, Arlovski, Gonzaga II, JDS, Mike Kyle, Bigfoot, Fedor, Overeem II, Nelson, Russow.

In all those fights, aside from JDS, I've never seen him eat tons of punches and whenever he does get hit, he either flops to guard or tries to grapple.

Every time he gets hit, it appears it hurt him visibly.
These are the fights I've seen Werdum in: Overeem I, Arlovski, Gonzaga II, JDS, Mike Kyle, Bigfoot, Fedor, Overeem II, Nelson, Russow.

In all those fights, aside from JDS, I've never seen him eat tons of punches and whenever he does get hit, he either flops to guard or tries to grapple.

Stopped Overeem.
Stopped Gonzaga.
Stopped Gonzaga.
Stopped Kyle.
Stopped Fedor.
Stopped Russow.
Destroyed Nelson.
Beat Bigfoot.

Every time he gets hit, it appears it hurt him visibly.

lol that's just untrue man

when a monster like JDS or Fedor hits you, you're not gonna just walk through it..
Werdum reminds me of Koscheck in the chin department. Koscheck's been only KO'ed by Paulo Thiago, but do people find him to have a great chin? Nah.

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