Weird problem with grappling it involves my nipple


Yellow Belt
Aug 19, 2004
Reaction score
OK this may be weird but im sure someone else has had this problem. Since i started grappling i got this problem with my right nipple, all this muscle or somehting suddenly has appeared in it, it is very painful when anything comes into contct with it. My left nipple is empty its just skin, but my right nipple suddenly has muscle or something, its packed with it.
Do you practice with a gi?
It might be just puberty, but you should go see a doctor.
sounds like bitch tit to me, good luck with that.
probably puberty like lester had said, but just get it checked just incase.
I'm staying away from any thread that has a guy posting about his nipple....

Oh crap! :p
i dont think he is talking about a bitch tit... But seriously dude Muscle in your nipple? your kidding.
Take a picture and post it or somethig i got to see this.

maybe its a calcium deposit or scar tissue from it rubbing on the inside of your gi..... go see a doc about it if it is bothering you at all.

If its tits... call a surgeon, or call jenny.
Gsoares2 said:
i dont think he is talking about a bitch tit... But seriously dude Muscle in your nipple? your kidding.
Take a picture and post it or somethig i got to see this.

maybe its a calcium deposit or scar tissue from it rubbing on the inside of your gi..... go see a doc about it if it is bothering you at all.

If its tits... call a surgeon, or call jenny.

U just asked a dude to post pics of a possible bitch tit. Hmmm...
Soid said:
Shit man, I think I have permanant bitch tits. I'm 17 and i've yet to got rid of them, plus I'm not fat at all. And they mentioned "Gilbert's Syndrome".. shit I'm fucked. My name is Gilbert. :icon_cry2

Hey man I feel your pain. I had that shit until i was 18 then I had surgery to get rid of it. Go see a doctor. It's called gynecomastia.

The surgery went really well and my nipples look normal now.
There's no way I'll get surgery for it as i really don't care about it. But I also think it'll reduce once I get back to working out. I really doubt it's gynecomastia.. atleast I hope it's not. I'm gonna get back to working out and I'm sure I'll get rid of it. If not, I guess I'm cursed and will have to deal with it. :(
mmahamzah said:
how much does the surgery cost?

Luckily for me my dad was in the military so we just had to pay the hospital fee and the rest was covered by the navy. I think it costs somewhere between $3,000-5,000 though.
This thread cries out for Dietzel/Not Dietzel.

I am sorry that he is not here for this.
"This thread cries out for Dietzel/Not Dietzel.

I am sorry that he is not here for this."

Hahahaha, post a link for him on jjgear.
I have lit the Dietzel beacon. As long as he stops playing SOCOM for 10 seconds and looks up at the sky, he should see it.