Weird addicting rabbit holes to go down


Steel Belt
Dec 7, 2011
Reaction score
What are some weird, addictiong, fascinating rabbit holes to go down on the internet. Shit like crazy dramas or mysteries. Conspiracies. Murders. Fuck I dont know. I just want to sip some STRONK and be glued to my computer screen in fascination of what I'm looking at.

No, not gay porn.
Here's some youtube channels to check out bro

Frederick Knudsen


Night Mind


Lazy Masquerade

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Don't ask
Does foot/ high heel worship count? asking for a friend...
All my rabbit hole explorations always originate from the mayberry anyway.
Wonderland has some dope drugs. You just got to find the entrance.
philidephia experiment
daytlov pass incident
the lead glasses shit in brazil
secureteam 10 channel on youtube
ancient stoneworkers and all the anceitn stone megaliths and sites acorss the globe, and how they conicide with ley lines
shit on bottom of the ocean
The Memphis Three for me
YouTube and Wiki.. I get stuck in those rabbit holes for hours so often it’s pointless to fight it..

I love this shit. I've been on a MASSIVE UFO binge/bender for the last few days.

To be honest, I've been on a UFO bender for the last few years lol. If sherdog had a dedicated UFO/alien sub, I would be posting in it daily.

I have little doubt UFOs are real. I even think there are at least 2 different types. But I'm not completely sure about where they originate. Whether it be legitimate ET, extra-dimensional entities, or maybe even possibly from a species we share the planet with, perhaps at the bottom of the oceans.

I am absolutely confident that orange glowing orbs, as well as metallic saucer shaped discs are real. But why different craft? What are the chances we are being visited by two different species of alien? or maybe one is a real entity, and the other is like a drone....