weight training late!!


White Belt
Feb 15, 2005
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Hey guys, I would appreciate your opinions on my situation.
I usually find if I weight train in my house, I do so very late at night sometimes as late as midnight (I sleep about 1-2 am), this is true when am busy during my academic year and also during holidays, I find am lethargic when training at home if I decided to train say mid-day or early evening, but am okay if I go to the gym. The question: is training so late useless, especially since I don
No, I don't think training late would have any effect on gains. I prefer to work out late all the time. There are usually less idots at the gym at that time of the day. I find it can interfere with my sleeping schedule. If I go nuts on cardio or lift long and heavy late at night, sometimes I can't sleep for a couple hours after.
aljeffery said:
Hey guys, I would appreciate your opinions on my situation.
I usually find if I weight train in my house, I do so very late at night sometimes as late as midnight (I sleep about 1-2 am), this is true when am busy during my academic year and also during holidays, I find am lethargic when training at home if I decided to train say mid-day or early evening, but am okay if I go to the gym. The question: is training so late useless, especially since I don
I find my schedule results in similar - time constraints mean I've sometimes working out around 11 or as late as 12:30. I always follow it up with a shake, sometimes a nice chunk of meat, before I got o bed though.
I get nightmares when I deadlift. That's why I stopped doing them. I do chest flies because they make me dream about manly bodies.

As for your question, you really should eat after working out. Working out, then going to sleep without any nutrients doesn't sound like a good recipe. Milk+honey is nothing. At least a protein shake and a big sandwich should be there.
the only issue is post workout nutrition. working out late is fine as long as your still getting enough sleep, but after your done lifting you need to carb up and get some protein. milk and honey is bad, thats nothing but sugar.....get some whey and have a shake with some fruit after your workout
so sad you took the time to find that picture and post it up......
FCFighter316 said:
HAHAHA just around the belly Winni the Pooh
man i fit in lifting whenever i can.
if you can just fit it in whenever you can do so.

when your at home you get lazy, its easy to keep watchin tv or take one more break before you lift. get motivated, play some music and just do it.

after lifting shake, if your tryin to gain mass or bulk up, milk isnt goin to do it.
get some sort of protein shake. drink that after words.
that or just eat after you lift.

dont forget cardio.
Definately go with a protein shake, some basic protein powders aren't that expensive just look around and find something that won't hurt your budget, but you definately want to take in some protein after your workout as well as some fruit that is light on your stomach and shouldn't bother you too much.

milk is great and contains all 8 essential amino acids , also high in energy , protein and fairly high in carbs .

but i would see if u could get another piece of food in ,thats very high in energy , then finish off with milk , how much milk do u drink btw ? 1 L should be more than enough

im guessing u eat a huge breakfast too?
Evil Eye Gouger said:
I get nightmares when I deadlift. That's why I stopped doing them. I do chest flies because they make me dream about manly bodies.

Pec deck makes me dream of harp playing, fairy princesses. DL is bad for your back. Remember to always wear a belt when doing preacher curls.
Thanks for all the input; I guess it highlights how much my nutrition sucks! When I first started serious lifting, during the first three months, I gained a lot of mass I was training earlier and was eating like a pig: anything, anywhere and anytime- I realise now that the gains are mainly to do with beginners-luck phenomena. Eating was just as demanding as lifting (if not more); I didn

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