Weight loss for a woman

Dean Hamilton

Amateur Fighter
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys I need some help coming up with a routine for a woman who wants me to help her lose about 70 pounds. She is in her mid 30's and is wants to slim down. She cant do a lotta running because her foot is bad so that leaves me with making her do cardio on bikes/elipticals mainly. She has an elastic band and some five pound weights. She isnt going to sign up for a gym membership. Ive come up with a routine roughly like that.

Circuit training- 4 circuits

curls -5 reps then 2 weeks later 10 reps then 2 weeks later and on 15 reps

tricep extensions - same reps as above

body weight squats - " "

Calf raises- first 4 weeks 10 reps from then on 25

girl push ups- 3 a week later 5 a week later 7 a week later 10 and from then on 15 (shes not good at them she told me... said she cant do them.. im not sure about the way i have her progressing on them)
and then sit ups- 10 or failure then 2 weeks later 15 or failure then 2 weeks later 25 or failure whichever happens first
then im gonna have her do roughly 30 minutes of cardio
15 on the eliptical 15 on the bike one session
30 on the bike one session
one hour of her favorite cardio for one day outta the five she wants to train.
30 on the eliptical one session
then back to 15 and 15

i figured id have her lifting 4 days a week and cardio all one day in the middle...
just wondering (I know its bad to train the same body part so often) but is it ok if she just wants to tone up and is going to be doing those reps??
Any help is appreciated. I would love to help her out.
oh yeah
i figured she could have a resting time of 1 minute between circuits and 5 minutes from lifting to cardio
Tell her to lay off the corn beef hash.
She wants to lose 70 pounds?! I'm guessing her diet needs some serious work.
Start with getting her to eat right, then get her some real weights and read the stickies to learn how to put together a routine. just so you know, many women respond better to rep ranges 3-6 reps higher than men.
i strongly suggest that you look at the tabata thread. but if she is looking to lose 70 lbs, chances are a change in diet is the most important thing.
Her diet is messed up... she eats one time a day usually not that big of a mel... but ive got her eating breakfast already and more small meals. Her motivation is... me :) lol jk. thanks for the advice guys. Im gonna check out the tabata thread...
that looks a lil intense to start her off with... but im gonna try it out in two weeks
unearth said:
i strongly suggest that you look at the tabata thread. but if she is looking to lose 70 lbs, chances are a change in diet is the most important thing.

the chick is 70 pounds overweight and sounds like she hasnt done dick in years, you're gonna have a puker/corpse on your hands if you put her through a real tabatas workout.
When my ex-girlfriend wanted to lose weight and improve the womanliness of her shape (in other words, put some more junk in the trunk, she had big ol titties and like no ass when she wore jeans) I had her doing a fairly basic Carnal style program, only with limited rest periods (I stood by with a stop watch) and in it's earliest incarnation did it circuit style.

Eventually she was doing pretty well, her booty was growing and she was tripling 135 for four sets ATG no problem in the squat, and she was hitting up cardio three days a week.

She never did get the diet part nailed down, which is why she didn't lose the weight she wanted, even though I was able to bring about the other physique changes she was interested in.
CarnalSalvation said:
When my ex-girlfriend wanted to lose weight and improve the womanliness of her shape (in other words, put some more junk in the trunk, she had big ol titties and like no ass when she wore jeans) I had her doing a fairly basic Carnal style program, only with limited rest periods (I stood by with a stop watch) and in it's earliest incarnation did it circuit style.

Eventually she was doing pretty well, her booty was growing and she was tripling 135 for four sets ATG no problem in the squat, and she was hitting up cardio three days a week.

She never did get the diet part nailed down, which is why she didn't lose the weight she wanted, even though I was able to bring about the other physique changes she was interested in.

did she like the stopwatch thing? did this affect your relationship?
Get her in the pool for cardio if she cant run, swimming rocks. I'm guessing there are public pools in Tennesse, so that should work, unless she's too self concious to get into a swimsuit, then you're SOL.
She liked having me run her workouts, because it kept her motivated and she felt safer doing things like squatting and bench pressing with me around. Sometimes the stopwatch was not her friend, like when it was time for sit-ups on the GHR with 30 second rest periods.

I'd say it brought us closer, because although she was always very supportive of my lifting, feeling what it was like personally, and being excited about her lifts getting higher on a personal level and such helped her understand where I was coming from. Too bad she turned into a beytoch.
Carnal, did she drop about 50 and start dating again?
I came across this site ages ago while looking for stuff on Deadlifting form and after reading through a bit more of it I realised it was actually pretty damn good. Definitely worth showing to any woman looking to get into weight training.
Funkster said:
I came across this site ages ago while looking for stuff on Deadlifting form and after reading through a bit more of it I realised it was actually pretty damn good. Definitely worth showing to any woman looking to get into weight training.
In terms of teaching form, it's great for everybody in my opinion. Great form analysis in there.

-edit- actually alot of great stuff in there for both sexes.