Weaving and blocking

Bama Zulu

Blue Belt
Jul 25, 2005
Reaction score
Hi, I just finally started sparring and we were practicing slipping and weaving while sparring.

Ok the thing is, I basically weave into all the punches, I try to "snake" my way around the punches but it feels like I am like molasses and get caught every time.

So basically I gotta spar more but are there any training regimes or tips you guys can give me to be able to snake more smoothly and weave+block more effecitvely?

Another thing is, I am usually taller than my opponents, is it wise to slip punches if you are at least a head taller than them?
Heck, if you're that much taller, stay back and stick em' with a jab if they get too close. Bob and weave = bad for MMA, good for boxing. If you're that much taller than your opponents, stand up straight, make them reach to hit your head, and counter when they stretch.

Stick to moving your upper body only, leaning back to avoid punches, and turn away from hooks when blocking. Ducking and head movement are more important when you're the same height or shorter than your opponent, being taller means it's harder for them to hit your head. If they go for body shots, that's YOU chance to return the favour with a good shot to their face.
Yeah I feel kinda weird bobbing and weaving (In MT class btw, but for the hands only sparring). I think I should just focus on blocking and slipping. Unless someone can change my mind I don't think I should be weaving.
Yeah, see, bobbing and weaving in anything other than boxing means more of a chance of a knee to the face.
Get a maize ball for home, it will hang anywhere and is just hook chain bag and can be removed in 5 seconds. I think they are 15 bucks on ringside.com...I've loved mine so far. Helps you alot with slipping and after seeing a video of mike tyson doing it ive had a new respect for that lil bag of sand.
maybe you could throw a quick hook to the body whenever you are weaving...or while you weave take a step to that side that way you are out of range a bit more....when you come up.
Bama Zulu said:
Hi, I just finally started sparring and we were practicing slipping and weaving while sparring.

Ok the thing is, I basically weave into all the punches, I try to "snake" my way around the punches but it feels like I am like molasses and get caught every time.

So basically I gotta spar more but are there any training regimes or tips you guys can give me to be able to snake more smoothly and weave+block more effecitvely?

Another thing is, I am usually taller than my opponents, is it wise to slip punches if you are at least a head taller than them?

bobbing and weaving isn't 100% efficient. in boxing, you have to expect to get hit even if you have the best defense in the world (well..not really haha). when you intend to counter punch w/ head mvt, don't intend to counterattack only in the condition you don't get hit. in your mind, you should intend to punch even if you receive a shot.