We Did Not Evolve

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juicy_one said:
I noticed that the Western nations are losing faith in religion. Soon major religions such as Christianity in the U.S.A will be obscelete.
Although I look forward to that day, I cant see it happening. The religion will continue to "evolve" to stay in business.
juicy_one said:
I noticed that the Western nations are losing faith in religion. Soon major religions such as Christianity in the U.S.A will be obscelete.

This is too true unfortunately. As foretold in the Bible, there will be a time when there is no christianity and no church. And it is not too far in the future. Just wait for the conflict in Israel to flare up some more.
Garryowen said:
so, in other words, a single celled organism decided on its own that it needed extra abilities other than what it already had, and it knew exactly how these abilities should look, act, react, and develop, as well as what resources it would take to create, attach, and sustain such abilities, and then POOF it happened? come on, man... that is more unbelievable than christianity.

you do not have a working understanding of evolutionary theory. please read the links that childrenofbodom posted.
Garryowen said:

I just want to quote you over and over again.
lizard said:
Yet another stupid statement from someone who knows nothing. Please respond to this.
Carbon 14 (carbon dating) is used to date things up to about 12'000 years old. Not millions. Please stop trying to sound clever. And anyway, how can methods like this be proven when no one has lived that long, nor are any records or historical accounts that old?

Yes, and what is your point?

You just contradicted yourself, you claimed that one can not prove anything through C14 dating?

and you know what else

There are these things called "Sedement Layers". Depending on what level the fossil was found in, Archeologists are able to determine the time period. They are also able to determine the age of the sedement layer based on composition of minerals and certain elements. It is known as to how our atmospheric conditions have changed in the past million years based on the evolution of CAM, C3, and C4 plants. From this they are able to determine the age of the sedement based on chemical composition of the soil including ph level. You also need to understand that there are plenty other techniques other than C14 dating. Don't try to be clever.

Read a few books on the topic and come back to the discussion.
Das Uberdog said:
you do not have a working understanding of evolutionary theory. please read the links that childrenofbodom posted.

All you have a working understanding of is fairytales. There is nothing to understand about evolution because it can't happen! Stop pretending you understand something that is impossible. You just sound STUPID trying to pretend you have seen it or something.
lizard said:
So if you admit you can't prove it, you admit it is mere speculation and can in no way be stated as known fact. Therefore you don't "know" fossils are millions of years old so your earlier argument about the dates not matching the Bible's dates is totally crap and pointless.

Quick Google search on fossil dating! You'll find it is no more than guesswork. Using estimates based on radioactivity decay.
Guesswork, and making an estimate based on loads of data, with proven variance and expected values, are completely different things. I don't mind that you believe in creationism, but if you're so sure that all the evolution theory, and supporting scientific methods are pure crap, then why don't you put down your mobile phone, turn off your computer, and step away from all these devices which are based on "guesswork".

Ultimately neither can be proven beyond an infinite degree of doubt, so here's what you sound like to an evolution believer: "So, have you read each and every word of the bible" next post "But what about in it's original language??" next post "Well has it been translated correctly??" next post "How do you know words haven't been changed???" blah blah blah "How do you know the original text isn't distorted by the wind???".

Holding firm to your beliefs is one thing, calling everything total crap and pointless because there's an extremely small but finite margin of error, while ignoring the same faults on your side, just proves that nomatter whether creationism or evolution is right or wrong, you are beyond any doubt, a complete idiot.
Garryowen said:
oh shit. you gay? christ...

Don't you start being fucking stupid. I was agreeing with what you said!
lizard said:
All you have a working understanding of is fairytales. There is nothing to understand about evolution because it can't happen! Stop pretending you understand something that is impossible. You just sound STUPID trying to pretend you have seen it or something.

every time you try to make a restatement of evolutionary theory or a part of evolutionary theory, you fail miserably. this leads me to believe that you are completely ignorant of the subject matter. why you would choose to try to discredit a theory that you do not even understand is difficult for me to comprehend, but here we are.
lizard said:
All you have a working understanding of is fairytales. There is nothing to understand about evolution because it can't happen! Stop pretending you understand something that is impossible. You just sound STUPID trying to pretend you have seen it or something.

Read Charles Darwin's "Origin of the Species".

You'll be enlightened.
Garryowen said:
so, in other words, a single celled organism decided on its own that it needed extra abilities other than what it already had, and it knew exactly how these abilities should look, act, react, and develop, as well as what resources it would take to create, attach, and sustain such abilities, and then POOF it happened? come on, man... that is more unbelievable than christianity.

I guess that's how it would appear to someone who knew exactly zero about evolutionary theory. Its like Copperfield or Spielberg man, and kapow, the frog grows hair and starts walking around smoking a cigar.

WTF???? Is the WR infected with stupid disease tonight?
and Lizard, since you're starting this arguement, please provide some physical evidence of the other... Creationism or "Intelligent Design" because you're so adamant about refuting everything while providing no evidence to support your own arguement.
Alon said:
Guesswork, and making an estimate based on loads of data, with proven variance and expected values, are completely different things. I don't mind that you believe in creationism, but if you're so sure that all the evolution theory, and supporting scientific methods are pure crap, then why don't you put down your mobile phone, turn off your computer, and step away from all these devices which are based on "guesswork".

Ultimately neither can be proven beyond an infinite degree of doubt, so here's what you sound like to an evolution believer: "So, have you read each and every word of the bible" next post "But what about in it's original language??" next post "Well has it been translated correctly??" next post "How do you know words haven't been changed???" blah blah blah "How do you know the original text isn't distorted by the wind???".

Holding firm to your beliefs is one thing, calling everything total crap and pointless because there's an extremely small but finite margin of error, while ignoring the same faults on your side, just proves that nomatter whether creationism or evolution is right or wrong, you are beyond any doubt, a complete idiot.

My thread is not titled " the bible is true". It is titled "we did not evolve". I fail to see any relevance in what you just said. Evolution can't be proven. Neither is there any proper scientific evidence to say it to be true. It is merely someones idea(Darwin) and others have latched on purely to leave intelligent design out of the equation.
lizard said:
My thread is not titled " the bible is true". It is titled "we did not evolve". I fail to see any relevance in what you just said. Evolution can't be proven. Neither is there any proper scientific evidence to say it to be true. It is merely someones idea(Darwin) and others have latched on purely to leave intelligent design out of the equation.

There is a thing called DNA/RNA transcription. Learn about the process before claiming that evolution cannot be proven. You see variations among organisms in every generation.
Nietzsche13 said:
I guess that's how it would appear to someone who knew exactly zero about evolutionary theory. Its like Copperfield or Spielberg man, and kapow, the frog grows hair and starts walking around smoking a cigar.

WTF???? Is the WR infected with stupid disease tonight?

kiss my ass, loser.
Garryowen said:
kiss my ass, loser.

It is you who is the loser cause I got the anti-bodies and you got the disease.
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