WaTs the TUF Tredmill workout all about


Orange Belt
Oct 7, 2005
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I was just wondering what the TUF tredmill workout was that they did on the first day, sounded like it was tough with all the time increments and what not..?? Thanks
start 5 minutes at 5mph, then 5 minutes at 6 mph,..all the way til u get to 10mph for 5 minutes. a half hour run altogether.
sounds like a good workout, think im gunna try that sh*t
sounds pretty tough for tuf. Lol bad joke. But seriosuly it seems prety hard especiall at the 9-10
Sounds like it would be about the equivalent of making it to level 14 or so on a "beep test"
its not terribly hard if you do it while fresh and have a decent level of cardio. whats amazing is that the TUF guys did it after a 3 hour workout.
suplex916 said:
start 5 minutes at 5mph, then 5 minutes at 6 mph,..all the way til u get to 10mph for 5 minutes. a half hour run altogether.

I'd do pretty good at this until about halfway. At that point my lungs dragging on the treadmill might complicate things a little bit.
I can do 9.5 mph on a tread for 20 min straight.....ummm.......don't think this would be all that tough
Ian1983 said:
I can do 9.5 mph on a tread for 20 min straight.....ummm.......don't think this would be all that tough

LOL.. I said the Same thing and one of my Trainers decided to bet against me.. I made it but man let me tell ya. It was a hell of alot tougher than I figured as you suddenly have to move up in speed then set yourself up at a regular pace.. by the time that happens the 5 minutes is up and you're up another mile doing it all again... But since you can run the 9.5 in 20 you shouldn't have too much a problem as long as you're determined to do it that is!
tapout_116 said:
LOL.. I said the Same thing and one of my Trainers decided to bet against me.. I made it but man let me tell ya. It was a hell of alot tougher than I figured as you suddenly have to move up in speed then set yourself up at a regular pace.. by the time that happens the 5 minutes is up and you're up another mile doing it all again... But since you can run the 9.5 in 20 you shouldn't have too much a problem as long as you're determined to do it that is!

I guess, the first 5 minutes are usually the hardest of any run while you get into a pattern. I guess the real probem for me would be the fact that I start it and just run without looking at the time, I find it puts me off/makes the run seem longer if I start looking at how long I have left.

What went first, the lungs or the legs?
0 % incline?
Chad Hamilton said:
67 posts per day.

Holy shit, Rizran is gonna be a purple belt in a month?

I better train!
Tread workout

Every 1 minute raise up the Incline. So 1 min on 1 incline, 2nd min on 2 incline until you get up all the way to 15 incline. Speed will vary from one person to the next. Anywhere from 5-6 or 7 miles per hour. Everyone is different. But you keep the speed the same.

When you get to 15 incline, next step is to go down..go down to 14 incline ( changing every minute of course), then bump up your speed a little bit...So you can end up on 1 incline doing 12mph..!!!!!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..Great workout..