Social Was UFC 306 woke??

Couldn't disagree more strongly. "Woke" is a real thing, a genuine social disease, and the pejorative slang is appropriately used to combat so much of what has become popular on the left. Go read Colin Kaepernick's essay about the history fo policing in the USA, and what should be done about it. That's "woke". It's a real school of thought, astonishing in its ignorance, and utterly retarded.

But the UFC celebrating the Mexican fighting spirit wasn't "woke". It just paid homage to a major North American culture.
I agree with your general definition of the term and that it is being misused today. I just disagree that it is a social disease.

Colin Kaepernick's essay is an extreme example of reform. It is unrealistic and would not magically erase society's problems. It's on the level of some extreme CT stuff, and any wise person would not take it seriously.

That being said I disagree on the "social disease" comment because it would behoove people to understand their rights because there are many instances where authorities do in fact abuse their power and/or take unnecessary violent actions. The killing of an unarmed man who was laying face down on a floor at Fruitvale station is an extreme example of an officer going overboard and using unchecked power.

I saw some videos on YT recently that show hard evidence of officers being abusive.

Here's an FBI agent getting arrested by an officer who "thinks he has outstanding warrants"

Here's a guy putting the police in their place after being handcuffed for nothing

Both of those clips are precisely why it would behoove people to be vigilant- to be "woke"

Here's some more power tripping

And then.. a cop pulls this guy over (who had previously been speeding) for not having a proper license plate, and he treats him like a friend

The point is we shouldn't expect the police to act professionally at all times, because they don't.
whatever it is it should stay outside of sports
dana himself banned flags and everything
now this and bud light
HAHAHAHAHA another absolute winner of a thread where dozens of Adults make themselves look like cock sleeves (sorry if any cock sleeves are offended by my comparison) on the internet.
I asked you a simple question and you responded;

read a former football players essay on something?


Just answer the question-

What is woke?
So you're not literate. Roger.

Concession accepted.
So you're not literate. Roger.

Concession accepted.
Another avoidance? Again....

ill try one more time, but I gather there is a reason you are not answering the simple question

One more time.

"What. Is. Woke. ?"
Never understood why woke is bad. Why would you want to stay asleep aka consciously ignorant of things?
It doesn't mean what it used to mean when it was part of Black American vernacular. Since it's been co opted by white liberals it now means a bunch of weird stupid shit. But what else is new lol.
Another avoidance? Again....

ill try one more time, but I gather there is a reason you are not answering the simple question

One more time.

"What. Is. Woke. ?"
It's almost like you read some guide on Reddit, "Here's how to debate people who are anti-woke. Step 1..." And the second someone goes off script you are utterly lost. I gave you a concrete example. Care to explain why Kaepernick's essay isn't woke? Is one essay too much homework for you?

Perhaps you'd like to skip ahead to what is so obviously your preformulated sermon on why #woke is a concept without value.
Who this word belongs to:


Who it does not belong to:
The fuck is wrong with being all cozy and snuggled up??
Woke originated within the African American community. It means being socially aware. To be aware of what's going on in the world. To stay woke. It had a positive connotation. You can hear it referenced in songs from 7 - 16 years ago. Erykah Badu's Master Teacher or Childish Gambino's Redbone being notable examples.

Then nutters on the Internet started using it to refer to Blue haired feminists on Twitter.
Yes I am aware of the the Spanish roots as they brought cattle to the americas and taught their techniques to the indigenous peoples.
These vaqueros then turned it into a lifestyle over a couple hundreds of years, As the wiki says “…and extensively developed in Mexico from a methodology brought to the Americas from Spain. The vaquero became the foundation for the North American cowboy, in Northern Mexico, Southwestern United States, and Western Canada.”

I could have been more diplomatic as no one was co-opting anyone. The comment is really just an attention getter, but the idea of the cowboy being a uniquely white american tradition is hogwash.

The real truth is the part of your post I quoted. People went out west to make a life and they learned how to from people that taught them knowledge that has been learned and advanced upon over hundreds of years. We are all one and the more we help each other and teach each other the greater we will all be.

We should be focusing on what unites us and brings us together instead of focusing on our differences and seeing people from other countries as almost a different life form.

The southwest is a good example.
You got cattle ranching
You got Tex mex food using many spices brought from India
You got tejano and norteno born out of the influence of the German and polish peoples that brought the accordion and polkas


But humanity ain't near ready.

And I'd be remiss not to mention that the deep space photograph responsible for inspiring those words was taken by Voyager 1 and achieved by none other than...USA! USA! USA!

The southwest is a good example.
You got cattle ranching
You got Tex mex food using many spices brought from India
You got tejano and norteno born out of the influence of the German and polish peoples that brought the accordion and polkas

Aye, I know. I live in the Grand Canyon State.

There is a lot here, on both cultural and natural fronts.

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