Vulkans - Illegal patch?


Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
I heard about this, but can anyone confirm?

Is the standard patch on the leg of the vulkan gis in fact illegal in IBJJF competitions?

i used a vulkan gi at the pan ams and i didnt get any grief for the patch. pretty sure it has to be covering the knee, which it clearly doesnt.
I am pretty sure Soid said the pants one was illegal.

I am pretty sure Soid said the pants one was illegal.


Thats what I thought.

Well, either way, to those that have these gis - are the patches easy to remove?
i havent tried but I am kinda scared of hurting the fabric myself.

I know, I'm a little girl....

i swear ive seen a picture which shows were patches are illegal on the gi

i think its the one on the bottom side left pant leg thats the illeagl patch
I've seen that pic, I believe its on the site, and that patch is deff illegal.
Well heres where its legal to have patches:


Which patch is illegal on the vulkans?


Is it that small patch on the side?
my pants have one on the bottom left --these pants are different