Vegetarian Questions

Zen Machine

Purple Belt
Apr 6, 2002
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Hey guys. Havent posted in a long while. I turned vegetarian about a year ago and am feeling generally good. I do take eggs and dairy products, but no meat or fish of any kind. I do take a daily multivitamin
( )

I also eat a pretty balanced diet and follow most of the advice on the vegetarian society website. Recently I have noticed increased dark circles under my eys and I am tired a lot. Low iron comes to mind but surely my intake of eggs, veg etc combined with my Multivitamin should prevent this?

Any advice or input on this or general vegetarian eating for a guy who trains BJJ and Mauy Thai appreciated guys. Sorry if repeating old questions..

How many eggs are you eating? If you are a vegetarian, you should be eating around 35-45 eggs a day, including raw/semicooked eggs.

Edit: I forgot to mention those egg requirements are for someone whose bulking. If you're not looking to bulk, then less eggs.
feeling generally good

minus the dark circles, low energy, and iron deficiency.


why are you vegetarian, again? and you eat eggs and dairy... so what does that make you? a vege-eggs-and-dairian?

if you're going it to save the animals, then eggs and dairy means animals have to be kept and farmed. if you're doing it for health-related benefits, it looks like you're ding it wrong.

but for you question, get your blood tested and there is your answer as far as most things are concerned.

one question: as a vegetarian, are you eating mostly whole grains, veggies, fruit, and nuts... or are you living off tofu and TVP and fake meats?
How many eggs are you eating? If you are a vegetarian, you should be eating around 35-45 eggs a day, including raw/semicooked eggs.

Really? He should eat 35-45 whole eggs?

That's 1750 - 2025 calories from the fat alone. Assuming 30% of his calories are from fat, and assuming 0g fat from other sources, that'll put him at 5250 - 6750 calories daily.
How many eggs are you eating? If you are a vegetarian, you should be eating around 35-45 eggs a day, including raw/semicooked eggs.

Really? He should eat 35-45 whole eggs?

That's 1750 - 2025 calories from the fat alone. Assuming 30% of his calories are from fat, and assuming 0g fat from other sources, that'll put him at 5250 - 6750 calories daily.


I was supposed to be on 36 a day when I was a vegetarian. I was more like 20-25 because I Was a lazy-ass. But 36 didn't seem impossible to do, and my diet seemed pretty well balanced as well. This was during when I was around 135 lbs. That egg recommendation seems to be based more the protein requirements of 1.5-2 grams/bw.

Edit: well, actually, I my calories from carbs were less than what I got for protein and fat.

Edit 2: The egg recommendations I listed are really not that hard at all if around 1/3rd of them come from semicooked or raw eggs.
Doesn't sound like something that would come from your diet. Do you have allergies? That's usually the culprit for dark circles under the eyes.

But it wouldn't hurt to get some blood work done each year.
I don't think the gas I would create would allow me to go into public if I ate 36 eggs in one day.
feeling generally good

minus the dark circles, low energy, and iron deficiency.


why are you vegetarian, again? and you eat eggs and dairy... so what does that make you? a vege-eggs-and-dairian?

if you're going it to save the animals, then eggs and dairy means animals have to be kept and farmed. if you're doing it for health-related benefits, it looks like you're ding it wrong.

but for you question, get your blood tested and there is your answer as far as most things are concerned.

one question: as a vegetarian, are you eating mostly whole grains, veggies, fruit, and nuts... or are you living off tofu and TVP and fake meats?

* - I get my milk, eggs and cheese from my dad who has a small piece of land with some cattle. Im happy with the way the animals are kept and they are not sold off for meat when they are old. Its not that relevant to my question anyhow.

* - The vast majoritu of Vegetarians eat eggs and dairy. Lacto-Ovo I think its called. Vegans dont.

* - I eat a mixture of fruits, nuts, fake meats etc..

Thanks for all responses all.
Get your blood work done man. That's the first step. I've been vegan eleven years and have no iron issues and what not. My guess is there's something else, like Lub said.

If you're eating eggs, milk, and cheese - according to everyone on this board, you should be a healthy machine. Ha! 35+ eggs a day? Jesus Christ, I don't know where some people get this stuff, but I always get a giggle out of it.

Go get the works done, and feel free to shoot me an e-mail or PM with results. I'd be very curious to know your levels.

Good luck!

on a side note - get some good sleep.
What would you eggsperts recommend then :icon_chee
No need for an eggspert - I am definitely not one, but 35+ eggs is a bit crazy for anyone if you ask me. It's just my humble opinion, but it's still a lil' crazy, ha!

I sometimes wish I was a doctor and focused on eating habits, etc. If I could do some studies, I'm sure this would be one. So why don't you go ahead and eat a vegetarian diet, with milk, eggs, and cheese and eat 35+ eggs a day. Get your blood checked at the end of a 3 month period, then go vegan for 3 months and see what levels look better.

Would be a fun experiment anyway, ha! Shit, I do random experiments with my diet, but it's always vegan. I'm just always trying to tweak it here or there to get certain results. Can be fun.
No need for an eggspert - I am definitely not one, but 35+ eggs is a bit crazy for anyone if you ask me. It's just my humble opinion, but it's still a lil' crazy, ha!

I sometimes wish I was a doctor and focused on eating habits, etc. If I could do some studies, I'm sure this would be one. So why don't you go ahead and eat a vegetarian diet, with milk, eggs, and cheese and eat 35+ eggs a day. Get your blood checked at the end of a 3 month period, then go vegan for 3 months and see what levels look better.

Would be a fun experiment anyway, ha! Shit, I do random experiments with my diet, but it's always vegan. I'm just always trying to tweak it here or there to get certain results. Can be fun.

What is your rationale behind believing that being a vegan will result in a better cholesterol profile? Bad cholesterol profiles are more strongly correlated to refined/processed carbs than it is to saturated fats and dietary cholesterol.

I was a vegetarian for the first 19 years of my life (I also rarely ate eggs); I remember having a bad cholesterol profile when I got my blood checked when I was 17. A couple years later I got my blood test again when my diet was high on red meat and eggs and my profile was pretty solid.
Mac Danzig is vegan - no eggs or milk or meat or cheese. He seems strong enough. Tommy Speer is pretty strong but couldn't cope with him. I wonder what Danzig eats?

Edit: I found this via Danzig's myspace thing…vegan-fighter-mac-danzig-packs-a-punch/

Hey thanks again guys. Im really interested in this that Danzig mentions. Anyone got any expert opinions? Noise?

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