
No, but my buddy brought me a jar from Australia and made me try it! It's shit!!!
chestergonzalez said:
What do you eat it with?

I just had a spoonful of it. I guess you could eat it with a plate of shit just to make the shit taste better!
Have it on brown toast with a slice of cheese. It is awsome once you get a taste for it. Good for you too.
Sonny said:
I just had a spoonful of it. I guess you could eat it with a plate of shit just to make the shit taste better! you don't eat it by itself, the saltiness would kill you. No wonder you didn't like it.

Vegemite+margerine on toast=heaven

Cheese is good to.
Sonny said:
I just had a spoonful of it. I guess you could eat it with a plate of shit just to make the shit taste better!

hahahah no wonder it tasted like shit, your supposed to spread it on toast like those guys said, toast and margerine or cheese + vegemite on toast, got lots of vitamin B.
Don't listen Sonny. Does spreading feces with butter and cheese then putting it on toast taste good? I don't know, but I don't want to find out. Same with vegimite. This comes from a country where the children eat "Musk" flavored candy. But, amusingly, an associate professor at my school (from Australia) can't stand cinnamon and doesn't understand why we like it.

It is an acquired taste and since it doesn't have little bits of ground up testosterone in it I don't see why I would eat it in attempt to enjoy it some day.
Im Australian and I love it... Vegemite on toast.. cheese and vegemite sandwhiches.. its just so versatile.

This is a personal fav recipe..

Get vitaweats or whatever you call them where you are.. maybe rye crackers or something.. Spread vegemite aswell as low fat ricotta or cottage cheese on the vitaweat.. combines awsomly.. even better put a slices of tomato on top.. omg so nice.
Im australian and i love it. Taken it over to Poland and the majority of people loved it there.

I think you just have to find how much is the right amount to put on. Alot of people put too much on and it wrecks it.

Reakt said:
hahahah no wonder it tasted like shit, your supposed to spread it on toast like those guys said, toast and margerine or cheese + vegemite on toast, got lots of vitamin B.

I'll take your word for it! I'm not gonna try it again though!
Rjkd12 said:
Don't listen Sonny. Does spreading feces with butter and cheese then putting it on toast taste good? I don't know, but I don't want to find out. Same with vegimite. This comes from a country where the children eat "Musk" flavored candy. But, amusingly, an associate professor at my school (from Australia) can't stand cinnamon and doesn't understand why we like it.

It is an acquired taste and since it doesn't have little bits of ground up testosterone in it I don't see why I would eat it in attempt to enjoy it some day.

I like cinnamon and I'm from Aus. 1 Professor is not going to represent 20 million people, I never heard of anyone not liking cinnamon.

Nutritional value of Vegemite (No fat)
u foreigners hate it cause u try it in doses of bucketloads! its awesome if you put the right amount of it on bread/toast
Wild Dan Hibiki said:
u foreigners hate it cause u try it in doses of bucketloads! its awesome if you put the right amount of it on bread/toast

So its just a condiment like mustard?

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