Vanadyl ?

Mike O'Neil

Amateur Fighter
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
I just took the advice of madmick on here and purchased his creatine stack. Included in this stack is Vanadyl. I searched the boards and havent found any info on it. So if you guys could tell me what benefits that it has and what your experiences are with it. Also the Vanadyl that i got suggest a serving size of 10mg a day while others suggest more. I am a big guy around 240 so what serving size do you think i should take and when? thanks
Vanadyl sulfate is supposed to help with vascularity. A friend of mine takes it pre-workout and says he notices a pump from it and says his muscles feel more full.

What did madmick tell you to stack it with besides creatine? It should also be good to stack with creatine.
Yeah i have it stacked with creatine mono and bsn nitrix. It should all be here wed im really excited to try the stuff. Madmick let me get your input on this if you see this
I could be wrong, I"ll check tonight, but I thought the Anabolic Review book by muscle mag said Vandyl Sulfate didn't have enough research behind it to prove it did anything. I'll post later specifically what it says.
vanadyl sulfat is supposed to have an insulin-effect, sort of a key-role to the muscles, to have a better uptake from nutrition, often recommended to use with creatine, but as for all supplements > try it yourself - everyone reacts different
Well I should start my stack sunday so Ill let you guys know. Madmick come on and step in here to let us know whats up
Rjkd12 said:
I could be wrong, I"ll check tonight, but I thought the Anabolic Review book by muscle mag said Vandyl Sulfate didn't have enough research behind it to prove it did anything. I'll post later specifically what it says.

No, it doesn't, not for non-diabetics. I recommend "Vanadyll XX" which is a capsule that provides Taurine in addition to the Vanadyl Sulfate, and more cheaply than I could find taurine in capsule form anywhere by itself.
Here's what I wrote Warrior in our PM (just an answer to his question, nothing personal):

The box is trying to rip you off. Nitrix is a hemodilator, meaning, taking it at any time of the day other than before your workout is pointless. It reputedly dilates your vascular system which increases blood flow to the muscles and helps you generate a "pump."

The benefits of Vanadyl Sulfate for non-diabetics are unproven, but supposedly it increases the shuttling of amino acids to the muscles (i.e. creatine). I recommend the Vanadyl XX because it includes Taurine for less money than the Taurine alone.

Here's how'd I take it:

Nitrix: 3-6 Caps
Ephedrine: 25 mg
Caffeine: 200mg
Aspirin: 125mg

Vanadyl XX: 1 Capsule
Creatine: 5g
Protein Powder: 1-2 servings (~20-40g)
Maltodextrin Powder: 3-6 servings (~60-120g)

Warning: Ephedrine involves serious health risks, but I think if taken the way I prescribe (TO THE LETTER), you won't have problems.