Rewatch Valentina Delivers Some Brutal GNP to Alexa Grasso


Very smart of Valentina to do this, she had to show she was fighting back or herb would have tried to stop it. Just enough to show she's awake and still it in. GOAT level fight iq and combat instincts
I didn't get Brazilian Tap vibes. I thought it was just to show the ref that she ain't out while conserving energy. Val utterly dominated that fight.
Didn't think about it during the fight but it does look like she's trying to mimic tapping so that Grasso lets go. Can't decide if it's clever or scummy.
Maximum fight IQ imo, playing within the rules.
I don't know why a fighter would risk little punches like that. A ref may very well interpret quick pitter patter punches as tapping. I was sitting there waiting for that to happen.
I didn't watch the fight, this is out of context really for me.

But very strange, I don't recall seeing that before. I wouldn't blame the ref for stopping the fight.
I think it was just after the ref checked if her arm had gone limp, so she was just moving to be like “hey, I’m fine, I’m not going out”

She knew she couldn’t hurt her opponent with punches from that position, but was also happy for the other girl to fatigue her arms desperately trying to get a choke that wasn’t there
Alex Peireira won the MW title with zero ability to stop a takedown (he'd take himself down even). At least Alexa could fight off her back and hes ranked #2 P4P.
Difference being he knocked his opponents TF out, whilst she lay on her back being controlled

Winning fights v losing them
Should have stopped the fight. That GNP was devastating.
I'm general Valentina should have been way more active with her gnp, especially from guard.

I wasn't even that mad, but the fight was the definition of lay n pray. I know she wants to secure the win, but at the very least she could beat her up a bit on the ground.

She was trying to be more active. But every time Valentina opened up, Alexa countered with submission attempts. And she ended four of the rounds in dominant positions (3 on Alexa's back, 1 in mounted crucifix), which to me says she WAS trying to finish the fight, and Alexa was making it difficult.
At the time I assumed she was just trying to show the ref she wasn't out, but in hindsight I would totally accept they they were fake taps to get Grasso to loosen her hold. Credit to Grasso for fighting smart and not falling for it.
Quite disgusting. Looks like she faked a tap to get Alexa to loosen the grip. Alexa probably thought she was tapping. Horrible!