@Codpiece the crew and I might take another look at your application, if you glue on your foreskin and send a picture of it to @Drake. What do you mean think lads?
@Codpiece the crew and I might take another look at your application, if you glue on your foreskin and send a picture of it to @Drake. What do you mean think lads?
I'll take Aldo on a kit bet, BUT I don't want to get hit with a "loss" if Aldo pulls out before the fight or some shit...
So if Aldo pulling out = loss, then I'm waiting until the day before to finalize my pick
@Codpiece the crew and I might take another look at your application, if you glue on your foreskin and send a picture of it to @Drake. What do you mean think lads?
already ducked, it's smart of you to do it since it would be like your fourth loss in a row
a shame, that was the one that would compensate all those losses. but ok then, I won't be betting in the future because I'm losing too much, also. I mean, just look at this AV, haha
future events, not sure. as I said, I think I will not bet for a while, unless there's a certain victory bet or something
Copy the post below but use the HTML option (BB code editor). Open the post to reply. Look for the WRENCH, top right. Click that and copy the text. Go to your OP, delete everything you did, click the wrench for HTML and paste my text. Post it. Continue editing using the normal way.
Thread TITLE:
USFC10 for UFC 212 Aldo vs Holloway - AV BET MEGA THREAD
Ultimate Sherbro Fighting Championships 10
*Account Bets are OFF the table.
UFC 212 Fight Card: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UFC_212
Eligable Bets: José Aldo vs Max Holloway at UFC 212
Alexander Gustafsson vs Glover Teixeira at UFC Fight Night 109
Updated Rankings: FC=Former Champion (No Current Champ)
1 Chramelated FC
2 Jermei FC
3 myjohnson9 FC
4 TheRuthlessOne FC
5 Quiver
6 hardcoreBE
7 Codpiece
8 phantomlord
9 Gabe
10 FedorGOAT
* I'll be collecting names but unless you've already agreed to terms with someone, then I'll add you to the fight card. Tag @Jermei or @myjohnson9 in this thread and I'll try to match you up with an equal member. Typically based on Post-Count & Likes. Or find someone yourself and let us know.
The USFC Championship Title (C) will be defended at every UFC PPV... no exceptions, no interim belt. The Champion's bet will headline the event. If the current Champion decides not to defend they will be stripped immediately.
WELCOME!... to the Ultimate Sherbro Fighting Championship 10.
Hi I'm Mike Goldberg and THIS! ...is USFC 9.... and we get things started here on Sherdog... With a little history...After a slobberknocker last event our man @Jermei took out former USFC champ @TheRuthlessOne to become the new USFC champ... @Jermei then went on maternity leave violating his own rule that the title must be defended every event, becoming only the 3rd sherdogger in history to be stripped of the usfc belt. (There have been 4 champs.) Therefore leaving us without a main event at the moment. @Pixelated our #1 ranked contender changed his name to @Chramelated and proceeded to have his old account highjacked and subsequently banned forever, leaving everyone to wonder WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON HERE? Lastly if you have a bet just tag me @myjohnson9 or @Jermei and our old asses will handle it.
OoUur tale of the tape!!! ... for this, the main event of the evening!!
USFC Champion: @Jermei
José Aldo vs Max Holloway
????? vs Jermei (C)
<-- Walkout Song -->
T-Shirt bet: Loser buys a t-shirt of the winners fighter and posts a picture wearing the shirt. @Pixelated typically wants this type of bet.
Sherbro Fight Kit:
Placing a bet that includes AV, Sig, Location & Belt.
AV bet:
Loser changes their Avatar to whatever the Winner decides.
ex: "Pixelated's Bitch"
Sig Bet:
Loser changes their Signature to whatever the Winner decides.
ex: " DISCLAIMER!!!! Ignore whatever shit is written above this message. I am an imbecile with no foresight whatsoever. I am alive due to Pixelated's infinite mercy. I am a plebeian and a rat."
Parlay Bet:
Users can separate their Sherbro Kit with several members. One Bet might be Av & Sig and the other is Location & Belt with separate members.
ex: Location: Inside CM 4's ass
ex: Belt: I'm a Bitch Belt
* Winners give their loser opponents the AV's and text for shame and punishment. Keep all images and text relatively clean. If you think an AV or Sig etc. is too tasteless, run it by a mod for approval. You'll be the one banned for posting a dick pic, not the guy who said to post it.
1. Winners must make fun of the losers.
2. Don't take a bet if you can't follow up your end of the bet in either victory or defeat.
3. Winners must post AV's for the loser in this thread first. Don't post anything you wouldn't want to get banned for.
4. Bets typically last until the next UFC PPV.
Please follow through with your bets when you win or lose. Welching is tolerated but its lame as fuck so don't be a pussy about it.
Official "Bet Welcher" List:
Names on this list are those who wouldn't or couldn't change their AV / Sig etc. so don't bet them.
NoBiasJustMMA (Welched AV against Jermei) PrettyDamRandom (Welched tshirt against Pixelated, says he'll deliver but so far has not) The Beast Within (AV welch against neverwas) JollyRants (Sig welch against Platinum)
* If you take a bet you must be able & willing to follow through. Contact @Jermei to have your name removed. You will be awarded the "I suck dicks for a living" avatar for 30 days minimum.
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