International USA sanctions on Venezuela

Maduro is a shit head and a dictator who is a terrible leader. Venezuela has gone to shit and something needs to be done. I doubt sanctions will work on an already starving nation.
Not sure what to do other than bringing in the military and delivering some freedom.

Sanctions are the mercy blow to the head. Venezuelans will surely starve to death now.

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Yeah because everything was going swimmingly in Venezuela until that evil Trump guy came around and fucked up paradise.
Even the US dollar is being hit by inflation in Venezuela, that means the scarcity is artificial and not the product of foreign sanctions.

Maduro deserves being ousted, anyone with any shred of human sympathy would support any measure to ensure Venezuela holds free and fair elections.
But to do so would take a lot of work and a lot of responsibility. I wish there was s simple way, but you can't just hit reset on sovereign countries .
I would like a military couple ala Egypt or old turkey, to run out the insanity and make a pathway for a stable government