Law US Supreme Court upholds federal domestic-violence gun ban

What kind of a fucking loser makes up shit on the internet? Awww poor baby. Gunna cry about it? Lol. You made up shit to post on the Internet and got called out for it. And you've never seen such a scene play out why would you so you're telling me you saw a man and a woman getting to an argument nothing happened and then she called the police in front of you and said that the man hit her and he was arrested? Lol. Get out of your fucking basement and have a conversation with your mother loser.

Your privilege is showing buddy. It's why you can't fathom what I'm saying to you at all.
Your privilege is showing buddy. It's why you can't fathom what I'm saying to you at all.

Says the guy crying about women lying about assaults online. Lol pooooooor baby. Haha. Go talk to your mom and get the fuck off the internet before you go full incel.
Says the guy crying about women lying about assaults online. Lol pooooooor baby. Haha. Go talk to your mom and get the fuck off the internet before you go full incel.

It seems like you might be totally reading me wrong and it's causing you to act silly
It seems like you might be totally reading me wrong and it's causing you to act silly
No I don't think I'm reading you wrong at all you're one of those ignorant internet douches who argues pointless shit in an attempt to prove a stupid point.

Do false allegations happen? Certainly. Is it such a thing that the average man should worry about it? No. Will women somehow begin to plot about making false accusations against men to get their gun rights taken away? Will only a fucking dick sucking idiot would think that.
It's absolutely relevant to the situation, and only a giant fucking loser idiot would think otherwise. When you make s*** personal people tend to be more logical. If your daughter was having an issue with her husband that resulted an arrest and restraining order - he hit her or whatever. Hes violent. Youd be ok with him having access to fire arms after the fact? Now, I know what the answer to this question is, but the more important question is are you enough if an adult to actually admit it.

Dude, are you OK? This is pure insanity
No I don't think I'm reading you wrong at all you're one of those ignorant internet douches who argues pointless shit in an attempt to prove a stupid point.

Do false allegations happen? Certainly. Is it such a thing that the average man should worry about it? No. Will women somehow begin to plot about making false accusations against men to get their gun rights taken away? Will only a fucking dick sucking idiot would think that.

So we agree about things but you worked yourself into a shoot?

It's pretty clear you spent a lot more time trying to be witty than actually reading what I've said in this thread

Huh huh you're gay . Fuckin troglodyte
So we agree about things but you worked yourself into a shoot?

It's pretty clear you spent a lot more time trying to be witty than actually reading what I've said in this thread

Huh huh you're gay . Fuckin troglodyte

Lol whatever you need to tell yourself, kid. Go talk to your mom and stop ruining the internet for everyone else.