Law US Supreme Court upholds federal domestic-violence gun ban

Not wringing of any hands. Or arms for that matter

Those Supreme Court cases had huge repercussions for state gun laws across the entire country. Not just those cities. Which is why they were deemed huge wins for 2A advocates.

How about fear mongering then? Using a lazy as hell "slippery slope" argument.
Those Supreme Court cases had huge repercussions for state gun laws across the entire country. Not just those cities. Which is why they were deemed huge wins for 2A advocates.

How about fear mongering then? Using a lazy as hell "slippery slope" argument.
Those states have continued to re-propose stricter gun control in wake and in response to those verdict. Garland hand picked the Rimini case to be the absolute worst example of second amendment rights defense.
If you follow the second amendment/gun control argument very closely you would know we have seen states defy these rulings for and against. The states ability to allow things like sanctuary to illegals and medical/recreational marijuana strengthened the 2-A case for the states being able to oppose federal law or executive action.

The clause reads:
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

And yet the individual right of self protection by means of arms. (Not solely dedicated to firemans) has been challenged again and again.
Those states have continued to re-propose stricter gun control in wake and in response to those verdict. Garland hand picked the Rimini case to be the absolute worst example of second amendment rights defense.
If you follow the second amendment/gun control argument very closely you would know we have seen states defy these rulings for and against. The states ability to allow things like sanctuary to illegals and medical/recreational marijuana strengthened the 2-A case for the states being able to oppose federal law or executive action.

The clause reads:
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

And yet the individual right of self protection by means of arms. (Not solely dedicated to firemans) has been challenged again and again.

Of course states are going to try to test those rulings in court. But in the end they are Supreme Court cases that set huge precedents that work in favor of 2A proponents. You can't deny that.

This one ruling doesn't change that. And there hasn't been some epidemic of people being falsely accused of domestic violence just to have their guns taken away. That only exists in your head.
Of course states are going to try to test those rulings in court. But in the end they are Supreme Court cases that set huge precedents that work in favor of 2A proponents. You can't deny that.

This one ruling doesn't change that. And there hasn't been some epidemic of people being falsely accused of domestic violence just to have their guns taken away. That only exists in your head.
Test it? with more gun control that didn’t mitigate violent crime in the places you previously stated. The facts don’t support your position so you have made; what is it three? posts with personal attacks and name calling.
Just admit your stance. Complete civilian disarmament.
Test it? with more gun control that didn’t mitigate violent crime in the places you previously stated. The facts don’t support your position so you have made; what is it three? posts with personal attacks and name calling.
Just admit your stance. Complete civilian disarmament.

Concession noted. The facts absolutely support my position. I posted multiple landmark Supreme Court decisions as examples.

Name calling? I'm describing what you're doing here with your posts. You created a scenario where supposedly this is going to create a major problem with people falsely accusing others to obtain restraining orders in order to get their guns taken away. You've posted nothing supporting that, so I called you out on it.

Quote one thing I said here that has made you think I support "complete civilian disarmament"?

Thanks for the laugh on that one though.
Concession noted. The facts absolutely support my position. I posted multiple landmark Supreme Court decisions as examples.

Name calling? I'm describing what you're doing here with your posts. You created a scenario where supposedly this is going to create a major problem with people falsely accusing others to obtain restraining orders in order to get their guns taken away. You've posted nothing supporting that, so I called you out on it.

Quote one thing I said here that has made you think I support "complete civilian disarmament"?

Thanks for the laugh on that one though.

White flag accepted; I know you’re too emotional about the subject at hand to have a level headed discussion. One without slander and baseless insinuations in any case.
In fact you were the one called out, Bud.

Those Supreme Court cases had huge repercussions for state gun laws across the entire country. Not just those cities. Which is why they were deemed huge wins for 2A advocates.

How about fear mongering then? Using a lazy as hell "slippery slope" argument.
Democrats have been pushing for “common sense” gun laws forever, and they never miss a tragedy/opportunity to demonize guns and gun owners… maybe THATS why people are worried about an erosion of the most fundamental right a person can have?
So, the 2A is a constitutional right with contextual regulations.

Hardliners will hate it, but it sounds logical IMO.
Democrats have been pushing for “common sense” gun laws forever, and they never miss a tragedy/opportunity to demonize guns and gun owners… maybe THATS why people are worried about an erosion of the most fundamental right a person can have?
Mass shootings don't trigger you?

Clearly there is something we can attempt to do, to atleast slow down the violence. Stricter background checks, more inspectors and harsher penalties for 2nd offending criminals who own non registered fire arms would be a start.

It's not about taking "yer guns" away. It's about the idea that anyone who has one is doing their part as a responsible gun owner.
The concurrences "explaining" how upholding this ban is congruent with originalism is hilarious given no one seemingly can agree (what a shock!) what the original drafters of the 2nd Amendment construed it to mean. At least Thomas took a break from his millionaire overseas yacht tour at the expense of wealthy benefactors to stay consistent and pen an embarrassing dissent clearly displaying the absurdity of being a "strict originalist".
So you think women are gonna make up allegations so they can get ya guns off you?

This seems a little bit paranoid.

Breakups and domestic situations can get all kinds of ugly. I've seen chicks say they were hit or were feeling threatened just to spite dudes and cause them trouble and no plan past that.

And no I'm not saying that's how all women play it just that it is totally a thing that's common enough.

Maybe see Mike glover for a recent example of this.
So without due process or conviction you can “temporarily” disarm a person.
Yeah, because fuck the bill of rights.
Rimini is a POS who should have already been charged with a crime.
This precedent is sure to be misused @BFoe against legal gun owners.

Just wait
You got kids buddy?
Breakups and domestic situations can get all kinds of ugly. I've seen chicks say they were hit or were feeling threatened just to spite dudes and cause them trouble and no plan past that.

And no I'm not saying that's how all women play it just that it is totally a thing that's common enough.

Maybe see Mike glover for a recent example of this.

Meh, not likely. What you probably 'know' is whatever your friend told you - if any of this is even true - because no one admits to their friends that they beat their girl. And if it's the girls you know, that is also probably a lie because what girl would admit to you that she lied?
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Meh, not likely. What you probably 'know' is whatever your friend told you - if any of this is even true - because no one admits to their friends that they beat their girl. And if it's the girls you know, that is also probably a lie because what girl would admit to you that she lied?

First off what kind of asshole starts a sentence with meh.

Second I'm not talking about my buddies putting spin on their relationship drama I'm talking about scenes I've actually seen play out. And I'm not calling every girl on earth a liar either I'm just pointing out that not everyone of them is telling the truth either.

What kind of sheltered life did you lead where you think women won't do or say certain things for revenge on a guy they think done them wrong?

What you probably know .... condescending cunt .
That’s irrelevant to the conversation. If you have a point to make; make it.

It's absolutely relevant to the situation, and only a giant fucking loser idiot would think otherwise. When you make s*** personal people tend to be more logical. If your daughter was having an issue with her husband that resulted an arrest and restraining order - he hit her or whatever. Hes violent. Youd be ok with him having access to fire arms after the fact? Now, I know what the answer to this question is, but the more important question is are you enough if an adult to actually admit it.
First off what kind of asshole starts a sentence with meh.

Second I'm not talking about my buddies putting spin on their relationship drama I'm talking about scenes I've actually seen play out. And I'm not calling every girl on earth a liar either I'm just pointing out that not everyone of them is telling the truth either.

What kind of sheltered life did you lead where you think women won't do or say certain things for revenge on a guy they think done them wrong?

What you probably know .... condescending cunt .
What kind of a fucking loser makes up shit on the internet? Awww poor baby. Gunna cry about it? Lol. You made up shit to post on the Internet and got called out for it. And you've never seen such a scene play out why would you so you're telling me you saw a man and a woman getting to an argument nothing happened and then she called the police in front of you and said that the man hit her and he was arrested? Lol. Get out of your fucking basement and have a conversation with your mother loser.