Updated ! Fantasy Novels (Serious Reco’s)

My favorites:

Kathrine Kerr's Deverry books:

Peter Newman's Vagrant trilogy:

Not sure if you consider real history mixed with magic subplots "fantasy", but if you do, Tim Powers has some really good stuff. Re-reading Last Call right now, but you really can't go wrong with most of his stuff:

Anything by Simon R Green. Hawke and Fisher is an incredible series that nearly no one has read apparently.
Another vote for Abercrombie and his First Law world. The first trilogy is great, along with the follow up stand alone novels, but his follow up Age of Madness Trilogy is fantastic as well. Dude writes killer fantasy.

Another series I really enjoy is The Riyria Revelations by Michael J Sullivan. The Revelation series started the series, but he then released a couple of standalone books of the protagonists early days, then a prequel series with Age of Myth that is 2000 years before and all of the Gods and lore from the original series is front and center, then a couple more stand alone books in between the time gap to fill in some additional lore.
