Update on the sandwich deli girl

That's basically prostitution which is illegal.
I didn't mean it in the sense of money for sex quid pro quo. I meant being supportive in the ways you mention and also financially, to make up for the age and/or attractiveness gap; like many of the amazement at hot babe/older dude threads we see on Sherdog.
Seek therapy. Stop using Suredawg for advice.
This thread is pure gold....lol. For TS, if this is true, I do feel a bit bad about your situation. But at the same time you gotta face reality. No well adjusted 18-20 year old (especially if she's even a 5 out of 10 or higher) is going to be interested in a relationship with a 40 year old dude. A 40 year old is old enough to be her dad for crying out loud. Plus you will have absolutely nothing in common. As I said before, go find women with a 5-10 year range of your own age.

But the heart wants what the heart wants amirite?
Come on man.
Try and be a little more supportive of his dream to sexually disappoint a woman half his age.
I don't know too many facts about her other than that she was considering going to a concert in a major city in early August but didn't go. She also enjoys a ham sandwich and brownie. I don't know enough about her but I like how she carries herself. Sometimes it is difficult to define. It's like a subliminal message about yourself that you send out to the world simply by being and living your life according to your beliefs. Who we are on the inside can manifest itself on the outside. It's not always the case, but beautiful on the inside can manifest into external beauty and vice versa. Yes, evil hot people exist but they don't stay like that and you can sense it from them when there is a darkness to their spirit. This young lady carries herself in a beautiful way. I can tell that she is a good woman and a good person.

I do want to ask her more specific questions but I also don't want to seem too nosy. Next time I see her, I was thinking about bringing up the fact that I'm taking my dogs to the groomer tomorrow. I'll find out if she likes animals but I'm sure she does. I can tell she is a good kind person like that. Anyone who doesn't like animals is almost definitely a piece of garbage person unless they have some phobia from ptsd or something.
Have you missed absolutely all of the sage advice given by everyone here which you asked for, mind you?

Move on. And when the next clam comes along, stop planning out what you’re going to say to them in advance. It makes everything awkward, and you come off desperate because that’s exactly what you are.

It’s like you’re reading from a book called “A loser virgin’s approach to women.” Please tell me you didn’t refer to her as “my lady,” or tell her about your medieval weapons collection.
Have you missed absolutely all of the sage advice given by everyone here which you asked for, mind you?

Move on. And when the next clam comes along, stop planning out what you’re going to say to them in advance. It makes everything awkward, and you come off desperate because that’s exactly what you are.

It’s like you’re reading from a book called “A loser virgin’s approach to women.” Please tell me you didn’t refer to her as “my lady,” or tell her about your medieval weapons collection.
That's just your opinion.
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