Unstable in OHP


Blue Belt
Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Whenever I do overhead presses or push press, my legs start to shake while I'm bringing the weight up or locked out. I also feel unstable around my torso area. Any advice on how to stop this? I guess it would make some since since I am kind of on the taller-leaner side with long arms, but still, any tips? thx
yeah I was thinking that too - but is the reason my legs are shaking due to a weak core?
My guess since I can't see anything, is that you haven't really got a fixed hip position, or your back is going between being flat/arched a lot. Practice with light weight and try concentrate on keeping a consistant hip position/back flat (or think of it as stomach tight) and you should get a bit more stable.
Try overhead squats and saxon side bends.
What's your foot positioning? Try staggering your feet a little bit to help with stability. Make the heel of one foot even with the middle of your other foot. They should be about shoulder width. This will help prevent swaying back and forth.