uneven traps?

Wild Dan Hibiki

Black Belt
Aug 11, 2002
Reaction score
hey kids, i was just checking myself out in the mirror to see how much work i've got left to do before summer kicks in. and when i was looking at my traps i realized the my ride side had more bulk than the left. i was like WTF? that's not right, i've been doing dumbell shrugs with even weights for so long now.

anyone know how i can rectify this problem?
Option A.) Stop being concerned with it and go on with your life.
Option B.) Be really gay and get a trap implant. :D

Seriously, just in advance, while some might say just do a heavier weight for the smaller one, I would advice against doing different weight amounts with dumbbells (like 100lbs for one arm and 110lbs for the other). That's just me...
Kill yourself.

Be reborn as a new person.

Repeat until traps are even.
Diligent said:
Seriously, just in advance, while some might say just do a heavier weight for the smaller one, I would advice against doing different weight amounts with dumbbells (like 100lbs for one arm and 110lbs for the other). That's just me...

lol im not stupid enough to do that, but if its normal i guess i cant do anything else but keep training it
TheNerdKing said:
Kill yourself.

Be reborn as a new person.

Repeat until traps are even.
i'm not sure you've quite got the point of Buddhism.
Even Muscles, relate to even strength. i.e. your right trap is probably stronger, working your muscles evenly at the gym is good, but you must keep it even in all areas of life. Alternate the hand you brush your teeth with, try writing left handed more often, carry your shopping evenly, e.t.c. Every little bit helps.
the thing is, i do write with my left hand. but every other activity i do with my right hand (wanking, brushing my teeth... not consecutively of course)
I have the same thing - I figured it was from throwing more punches with my right than my left. Guess I just naturally use my right arm more than my left in everything.
Perhaps it's a posture thing? Perhaps your shoulders are left in an uneven position after fighting?
FCFighter316 said:
well theres your problem! stop using dumbells, my LEFT trap is a tiny bit bigger than my LEFT and im right handed but i dont give a flying diddly doodly care

Anyway... I'd say don't sweat it. Chances are you're the only one that notices.
I think my left tit is bigger than my right.

And im right handed. My left arm is bigger than my right too, weird, cuz my right side is stronger.

My right penis is bigger than my left penis

On the plus side, i have two penises

Uneven traps is not worth worrying about. If you can shrug the same, etc, and there's no strength difference, then there's no problem.
I think my left tit is bigger than my right.

And im right handed. My left arm is bigger than my right too, weird, cuz my right side is stronger.

Does not matter. Strength is all in your CNS... Your brain functions in cross sections. Your left side works your right side of your body, and etc. Dont' worry about it.

When you do deads, shrugs or anything where your picking, gripping, etc. Say on Deads, you have to change grips all the time. When I do deads, My <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="http://www.serverlogic3.com/lm/rtl3.asp?si=22&k=left%20hand" onmouseover="window.status='left hand'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">left hand</a> is underhand on the bar and my right hand is over hand, on the bar. So I only stayed like this for years, now I trap is bigger on <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="http://www.serverlogic3.com/lm/rtl3.asp?si=22&k=me%20too" onmouseover="window.status='me too'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">me too</a>. You have to change the grips man. I read that years ago and did not listen to the author, but its true.
yeah i have been doing deads with left under right over. guess i'll change that too
Arent you like 160#?
Forget about uneven traps and continue squatting.
If anything, just watch yourself in the mirror when you do shrugs and make sure that every rep both shoulders come up evenly.
who cares. Most pussies on the street don't have traps at all. count your blessings that you can atleast show your traps to teh ladies, even if they are uneven.
Tankard said:
Arent you like 160#?
Forget about uneven traps and continue squatting.

naw bro, 150lb and i still do squats, its just that teh traps are teh sexy!~

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