Movies Unbreakable vs. The Sixth Sense - Which is the better film? (The Finals)

Which is the better film?

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Takes Two To Tango

The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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So we've gotten here. People who weren't around in the early 2000's will have no idea how ubiquitous The Sixth Sense references were. If you had a comedy program, you have some sort of "I see dead people" parody in it sooner or later. It makes it seem a little quaint now, but it's because the first time you watch it is so affecting. It really reminds you that at one point Bruce Willis could act, and M. Night could write.

Unbreakable does the same, and I think it's incredible that M. Night nailed it so good back-to-back so early in his career. They both have some kind of dumb elements if you stop and think about them, but the characters don't allow you to. His eye for casting and his writing just got increasingly worse as he chased that high from the Sixth Sense twist.
I chose Unbreakable because I saw it first before the Sixth sense and I didn't see it until years later LOL!
Picked unbreakable for the rewatchability. Sixth sense was great but the fear and tension isn’t there any more after the first watch.
This is actually a tough one but I'll give Sixth Sense the nod here.
Unbreakable because it isn't held together by a single plot twist.
Unbreakable is the only M. Night film I liked.
Unbreakable is a film I have watched many times. Like someone else said, the sixth sense is great but knowing the ending takes away a lot of the tension. The pacing of Unbreakable and seeing Bruce play a character like that always intrigued me.