UFC FN 143 PBP/Discussion

0.71 up tonight. Lost on Belal, Edwards and Roberson.

Cowboy and Cejudo made my night.
TJ got weight drained

That was my main angle behind Cejudo
The TJ loss killed me but at least I got this small sweet parlay in :)
10€ to win 122€
ufc parlay.png
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Anyone else think it could’ve gone on longer?

The stoppage was on the early side, but when your getting dropped over and over the ref is going to stop it most of the time. I think a rematch at 135 to settle it for good is the best way forward. Give both fighters 6 to 9 months to move up.
Turned $40 into $54. I would have got $120 if it wasn't for Greg Hardy.

I predicted 8/9 fights correctly and Greg ruined everything.
Someone else can check the numbers but I think this goodbye Barry
Turned $40 into $54. I would have got $120 if it wasn't for Greg Hardy.

I predicted 8/9 fights correctly and Greg ruined everything.

Dude it's pretty hard to not make much money when you are predicting so many fights correctly, stay away from parlays (maybe 2 legs here and there is ok).
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Nice end to the main card for me, $1,744 profit for the first UFC event of 2019.
Just watched the card. Man, that was an early stoppage in the main event. Such a chaotic sequence, but TJ was fighting the whole time and never even close to being actually out. That combined with the fact that he's known to get dropped and recover.

Likely Cejudo finishes him there, but TJ's earned the right to have a chance to survive.
Lost 1.5u on Neal to finish the fight. :( up 0.9 from Glover finish, tho. Seems like I got lucky with Glover... Didn't watched the card live, live in different timezone and it was midnight here so I wanted to sleep. Will watch all the fights sometime later today.
I maybe had to know Belal is the toughest opponent in Neal's UFC career so far. So yeah, Vicente's pinpoint accuracy and power is not what Neal can offer, he can deliver power, but it's easier to avoid gettin rekt than some striker with same or close power but much more craft to his game. Lesson learned. As far as Glover, his chin is nearly done. I will flat out fade him, or at least avoid the fight at all, if the other guy can stay on his feet for any extend period of time and have good power.

Pleasantly surprised by gold medalist Cejudo, Crowder, sweet voice JoJo, fight every month Cerrone. Not that I couldn't see them win, but we knew they all had tough fights at least on paper.
What I knew about Cerrone is that you have to be good striker, not just rush at him blindly. I wrote:
My worry is Hernandez is a little sloppy standing up - everybody that knocked Cowboy out was a very good, measured striker that could pour pinpoint offence and be relatively safe while doing it, so I'll just sit and watch this fight.
Was not eager to bet Cerrone giving his age, for sure worse chin than in his prime and his bad record v young prospects. Wanted to just watch the fight instead. Did I made a mistake?

Cejudo win via knockout, as I felt it the only way he is gonna do it. VERY HAPPY FOR HIM. SNAKE WAS DECAPITATED! One thing that is apparent and that I forgot to mention about this fight is that Cejudo is freaking fast. He is fast for FLW, so I knew he could shock even TJ, who is not slow at all, but in the end of the day he is bigger and naturally slower than most FLWs. Speed had a big role in all of the champ-champ fights. DC was faster than Stipe, Nunes too... Just the smaller guy or gal has this speed advantage.
I think Cejudo winning via wrestling is not happening. If Cejudo wins I can see him knocking out depleted by the weight cut T.J. Something similar to Rose knocking out Joanna when her weight cut was horrible and she was stunned by every clean punch that landed on her face
And there is no recent examples of champs going down in weight and win. Everybody challenge the champ in the weight above and beat them. Seem to be the way this things work

@ first glance:
TJ is fighting for the 1st time @125 in his MMA career, who knows how hard will the cut be and what effect might have on him and the fight itself. I am not willing to see with my money. I know on paper he is better virtually everywhere than Cejudo, but the adult in me says to avoid this fight :)
Joanne and Cejudo parlay took me to the bank. been breaking even for so long.

have to watch the fights but i think it's safe to say that moving close to the PI is usually a good sign.
Man. Was on the right side of almost everything before the ME. Was big on Cerrone ML and ITD. Big on Hardy Not R1. Was on Bermudez ML, ITD and Bermudez via sub and was so close to winning a fuckload on that fight. Was on Jo, Glover, PVZ and Neal. Anyway, I don’t want to do the math, but I ended up maxing TJ ML and close to maxing him ITD. Also parlayed him ITD w Gillespie ITD and so the ME ruined my fucking night big time. Seems like a flukish result but I’m taking my medicine this morning big time. Only a chiefs win today will keep me from being grouchy as fuck until tomorrow.
I suppose we're not supposed to clutter the 'L challenge' thread with teh bantz but I can't let this one slide by so goes in here instead:

Greg Hardy, looks like half the thread will be gone when Gillespie loses next week.


Gillespie crew rolling on


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