UFC/Conor McGregor Influence on Cobra Kai?


Green Belt
Aug 11, 2017
Reaction score
Hi guys,

Kenny here,

Yesterday night my mom's friend was over and he subscribed to Youtube Red for us. He brought over a bunch of beers for himself and made me sit next to him in the living room and watch all 10 episodes of Cobra Kai.

My mom kept telling him I have school and work but he said who cares and made me watch all 10 episodes. I've never seen a grown man be so obnoxious, laughing really loud, giggling and yelling things like "F__K THE LARUSSOS!!" and "COBRA KAI TILL WE DIE!!".It was like 2 in the morning and I heard my mom slam her door shut so hard and loud when we were watching the last episode. My mom's friend drank so much beers the coffee table was filled with empty bottles.

At the end of the series, there is a fighter who I think was influenced by Conor McGregor. I mean the tattoo not the mohawk.


So this brings up my question, what other movies or scenes from other movies were obviously influenced by the UFC or fighters of the UFC?
A wise man once said
"Cocaine is a hell of a drug"
You need a life.

And everything Convict is was what he ripped off from others before him.
I hate your threads.
Stopped reading at "my moms friend".

Try harder next time...try hard
Puppybird here,

Anyway I just thought I’d say hi

You guys are mean :(

Anyway, the 145'r on Kingdom is based on Conor. Can't remember the characters name.

Thats all i got
That kid is based on The let me bang dude
Whaleshark here,

Delete this shit thread and pass me the motherfucking weed
