News UFC 303 press conference in Dublin postponed until further notice

Dana: Conor are you ready for the press conference yet?



Dana: Cancel the press conference, NOW!
He's in bad shape. Coke and alcohol addiction. Wants the express route to an undeserved title shot so he can feel better about himself.

Uber rich spoiled brat drinking and snorting away opportunity because nobody believes he deserves a shot. His life is gonna get a lot worse than better if he doesn't stop.

He's headed for an intervention, celebrity rehab type Netflix special. One day he'll be nowhere near fight shape when he can't hold off the pounds. Surprised he still trains at this point. At this rate it's going to get real in the coming weeks and months.

Very telling that he can't make it to the fight let alone the press conference. His brain is mashed Irish potatoes. Hope he's not too far gone.
Drugs or injury could be possible of course.

Im just here hoping the guy hasnt been arrested once again!
Imagine planning to go to this conference and going through all the leg work only for it to be postponed. A treat from Conor to his most loyal fans .

Anyway it's hard to say if it's just a ploy from Conor to piss Michael Chandler off or if he's really being held together with super glue