Crime TX school district bans long hair on boys

Yeah I agree, I don't think its a big deal. I think its good for public schools to have a dress code even if this one is a bit more strict than something I'd come up with. The school even mentions that they allow exemptions for religious or gender identity. The only allegation that is potentially troubling is this one

But if we're being honest, school rules are almost always enforced unevenly unless they're really critical ones related to safety.

Texas is for the left what California is for the right so we're unfortunately seeing some exaggerated pearl clutching by leftists at any silly story coming out of Texas the way certain right wingers screech about his or that thing going on in Cali. Does remind me of this image macro

Funnily enough, I fought to have long hair in high school. But we have school uniforms here, so I can't really comment too strongly one way or the other (I hated wearing them, but I actually like the policy to an extent; especially when people are coming from as wildly unequal backgrounds as ours - there's no need to add "dressing up" to the curriculum).

The school I was at at the time allowed girls to choose between wearing pants or skirts, while the guys had no such leeway - plus we had a male model in the school, who was allowed to have long hair for professional reasons. Between the two examples, I managed to make my case for growing hair long enough to wipe my ass with.
In other words, I was an entitled prat. Lol.
I never said they are equivalent, they're obviously not. One is a public health measure, the other is a subjective dress code. If you're against the former for being oppressive it makes no sense to support the latter but I don't think it works the other way around. It's not hypocritical to support a mask mandate while being against needlessly strict dress codes. Personally I support a mask mandate but I am not bothered by this dress code in particular given the county is open to accommodations for religion and even gender identity, the latter not being something I'd expect from a Texas school board.

Anyway, you seem a bit off your rocker lately.
"If you think its wrong to enforce a mask mandate in the middle of a pandemic because its "oppressive" then it doesn't make any sense to enforce a strict dress code like this."
Edit: my bad, missed the word "doesn't" somehow. Glad you agree with me o_O

Edit: though whether or not I am personally bothered by a dress code is irrelevant to having a laugh at the obviously malicious and hypocritical reasoning that permitted this policy to be proposed in the first place.
Well, someone brought up the opposition to mask mandates, which I would agree is on a similar wavelength, but not you.

Face it, you just want to rage, because it's Texas and you view this as some kind of attack on Liberals(which is hilarious). You wouldn't give two shits if they were banning those staunchly conservative crew cuts.

Alpha Dad gives you plenty of practice at moving goal posts, hm? You try very hard so good for you.
A school with a dress code. Why is this a big deal?

Exactly. School should be a place for learning, but these days it has become a place of depravity and stupidity and the "freedom" to express oneself through fashion choices plays a part in educational decline. It is rather telling where society is going when parents are more pissed off that their kid can't have a ridiculous haircut and wear obscene clothing in a place of learning than the fact that their kid is illiterate and struggles with basic math. I would prefer my kid learn something over being able to have a shitty haircut and dress like a goofball.

I'll take uniforms and dress codes imposed by an institution of learning over having "muh freedom" to look like an idiot and not learn anything.
In Ohio Boys have to be clean shaven at all times. We live in a land of stupid rules. Just shut up and teach these damn kids useful shit
"If you think its wrong to enforce a mask mandate in the middle of a pandemic because its "oppressive" then it doesn't make any sense to enforce a strict dress code like this."
Edit: my bad, missed the word "doesn't" somehow.
Lmao at you coming at me so hard without even reading my post properly.
I'm sure some people will get their pitchforks, I don't see this as a bid deal.
I don't agree with this if it's a public school, private school is a different story.

I do find it amusing though, that the posters in this thread who are outraged by this, are the same ones cheering on masks being added to school dress codes.

Typical libtard double standards and hypocrisy.

I don't support mask mandates but comparing the two is wrong. The (misguided) goal of masks is safety while the goal of banning long hair is to enforce aesthetic standards.
Like the people against mask mandates, this would best be handled by acting like asshats at school board meetings, protesting at school board members homes and making the occasional death threat.
Leftists on promoting transexual lifestyles in public schools -


Leftists on adding Critical Race Theory & The 1619 Project to the curriculum of public schools -


Leftists on adding pornographic & images and tutorials into the sex-ed classes of elementary and middle public schools.


Leftists on a Texas public school requiring boys hair not being too long -


Yeah, we get it. Its a stupid story and the rule should be removed. But the outrage being focused on this, and not on significantly larger and more damaging problems effecting tens of millions young kids are a much much bigger issue.

This is the equivalent of not caring about Netflix distributing child-porn in the movie 'Cuties,' but being pissed for 2 weeks about Dave Chappelle saying a few jokes about trannies.

Texas school adminstrators are the ones requiring an opposing view to the Holocaust being a bad thing be taught. They should probably sort that out before worrying about how long their students' hair is.
In Ohio Boys have to be clean shaven at all times. We live in a land of stupid rules. Just shut up and teach these damn kids useful shit

It makes sense. Ohio has the same rule for inmates. The goal is limiting freedom and exerting control.
Sounds kinda racist.

First thing they did to indigenous kids at residential schools was cut their hair off.
The clown party is trying to clown their way out of existence.

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