Television TV Show Thread

Are you being sarcastic in as much as you've already rewatched it, i.e. already seen it twice at least, or are you just being redundant for the laughs?

No offense intended; Captain Pedantic requests an answer while also giving you the benefit of the doubt since you could have just said you would never watch it again ;)

In other words, how many times have you seen it so far?
I saw the series once LOL! But I tried to watch it again but I said naw fvck this show 🤷‍♂️

Not surprising.

Though it makes me wonder if they were going to make it a period piece, set in the 60s or 70s, or a modern reboot... and what Jason's role could have been, or his mother.

Call me crazy, but I marathoned all the F13 movies about 19 years ago and consider them to be garbage... but perhaps a 'prequel' series leading up to a reboot of the original movies as a TV series featuring serialized storylines... if there was some interesting & creative concepts it may have been worth checking out.

But since the plug has been pulled, its the money-men of the studio probably looked at the scripts and concepts and judged it would have bombed.

Then again... sometimes very creative concepts look horrible on paper, but its about the execution of the concepts within the scripts and production.

But chances are this is for the best. F13 was a cheap horror series very much of its time and its probably best to leave it there.

But..... Chucky was made into a decent TV series (I've heard).

I did the same thing and agree most were really bad. Back then I loved them....still enjoy a few, but some were shit lol. I am not sure how you do a series of Crystal Lake with Jason featured as how many episodes of massacres can you have before they shut the camp down? And what would a prequel entail? A bullied child with an overbearing psycho mother?
I did the same thing and agree most were really bad. Back then I loved them....still enjoy a few, but some were shit lol. I am not sure how you do a series of Crystal Lake with Jason featured as how many episodes of massacres can you have before they shut the camp down? And what would a prequel entail? A bullied child with an overbearing psycho mother?

Off the top of my head... I would make it about exploring the history of Crystal Lake and the land surrounding it. Like camp councelors finding old fragments from hundreds of years back about a 'peaceful' witches coven massacred by puritans, and their deaths cursed the lake so that any innocents drown in it they will resurrect to have their vengeance.

I'd have one or more camp councilors be descendants to the puritans, and the camp was established initially for children to celebrate the deaths of the witches... who took children as their sacrifice.

There'd be omens of a sentinel, who'd take children and sacrifice them in the stead of the witches who were too old and weak to do it themselves.

And the name of the one witch that escaped the massacre was... Voorhees.

Anyway, that's just me spitballing an idea.
I did the same thing and agree most were really bad. Back then I loved them....still enjoy a few, but some were shit lol. I am not sure how you do a series of Crystal Lake with Jason featured as how many episodes of massacres can you have before they shut the camp down? And what would a prequel entail? A bullied child with an overbearing psycho mother?
Jason Voorhee is a Deadite
Dude, I'm old and will probably die before I get around to figuring out how to use TOR.

My dad is way older than you and I set him up to download everything for free.

He only ever asks me to get him really hard to find old people stuff, which is a pain in the ass.
But seriously, I appreciate the offer, @Loiosh
Please shoot me a pm with how you want to get started and I will hop to it when I get a bit of time.
Watched the first free episode of Sugar on Apple TV+. Not crap. Will need to watch the rest of it later. Will need to look up the actress who played the missing granddaughter's mom who had polaroids clutching her large in charge boobs.

Browsed PlutoTV and they have Timecop movie and Cybaster, one of the mechs from Super Famicom Super Robot Wars, dubbed.

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