Turinabol Metabolite Detection Time: 40-50 Days

Or it’s not......hard to know when we don’t know what the athletes are taking in what dosages and for what duration.......or if it was an accidental ingestion.

Again no one is aware of what dosagse/durations result in what excretory patterns. The arbitration report says as much. Or at least the data is extremely limited.

Edit: I never said micro-dosing was more likely.
We know that controlled studies are and will continue to be limited. We keep repeating ourselves on this point. There’s data in addition to the one or 2 controlled studies that feed into their evaluation of the potential long term excretion patterns. That coupled with possible alternative theories to explain the patterns they do see.
We know that controlled studies are and will continue to be limited. We keep repeating ourselves on this point. There’s data in addition to the one or 2 controlled studies that feed into their evaluation of the potential long term excretion patterns. That coupled with possible alternative theories to explain the patterns they do see.

If you can’t constrain the parameters of your observations then you really don’t know what you’re looking at and you cannot provide context for those observations.

USADA should not be pontificating about possible alternatives when the evidence for those alternatives is weak. Or if they do pontificate they should qualify that the evidence for it is weak.
Honestly, anyone with half a brain realizes that this whole picogram thing is a scam. Johnny Picograms has a hall pass to roid. Sad.