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TUF 23 Ep. 11 PBP Discussion


Hyeri Belt
Platinum Member
Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
Wednesday 10pm ET / 7pm PT


*courtesty of Mark Zima Research LTD​

Hi! I'm gorgonon and it's my honor to be taking over the TUF23 PBP Thread for the Final 2 shows.

What do you think of that preview, eh? I say she makes weight............ barely! :confused:

And Claudia is definitely getting a hug from the lovable, cuddly Miesha Tate. No doubt, it's locked in, imo.

Also, as we menacingly wait 'till the show starts in our decked out UFC Branded Bud Light Raz-Ber-Rita Red Room,


I figure we can do some trivial predictions in this ruby-themed purgatory!!!

Also, if you are incredibly gifted, I mean Genius-Level good at this Trivial Entry, then you would qualify for a chance to join the competitors of the TUF23 Trivial Games of Reality and Leisure 3.0!!!!


It's too difficult to explain here, visit the Thread if interested for a full-on intro:


So give it a go, try out to be a Guest-Entrant for the TUF 23 Trivial Games of Reality and Leisure 3.0!

If you get the highest score of all the current competitors in TT23TGORAL3.0, then you will have the opportunity to be a part of Sherdog History as we have

The First Ever Secondary
Summer Prize Pool
of Leisure


IF you get in, you may qualify for an Amazon Gift Code worth $5 if you score high enough in the Season Finale just a week away!!! Sure, you would have to do better than a majority of seasoned and prepared, weathered and tested contestants that have been vying for the precious $23 Gift Card Grand Prize, but there's a chance, is what I'm saying.

Also, any Amazon Gift Code stuff is only to be used in the US version of Amazon, unfortunately.

Let the whole TUF Forum know how good you are at knowing what TUF has in store for us. So let's have some fun and please give your answers for this episode.

So, will Amanda Bobby Cooper, aka



be doing those Mega-Sweet Salsa dance move celebrations???



or will Lanchana have her time to get down, 'Darlington-in-da-House' Style?


What do you think will happen?


[Also as well, these questions can double as a drinking game. Make your predictions, and for every one right, take a swig of whatever!]

The TUF23
Trivial Games of Reality and Leisure 3.0
Questions for Week 11


[These will be tough fights to call in the Semifinals, so bumping up points]

1. Who will win, Amanda Bobby Cooper or Lanchana Green? (25pts)
[Since this may be spoiled, it only counts the fewest points]

A) Amanda Bobby Cooper
B) Lanchana Green


2. I think the format changes for the semis and the "Sudden Victory" idea is put to rest. They'll fight a typical 3 rounds. Now, we will get a much simpler, straightforward question: What kind of Decision will this slugfest be? (30pts)
[Remember: If the fight end with a finish, we all win, but for this question, we all lose, my friends. We all lose (but really we're winners;))]

A) It will be a Unanimous Decision
B) It will be a Split Decision
C) It will be a Majority Decision or some kind of Disqualification/No Contest/Draw, etc...


3. Since we and Dana abhor leaving it to the fc$^#@#&$ judges, let's do some positive visualization. How will this fight be finished? (40pts) [Remember: If it ends in decision, we all lose, my friends. We all lose]

A) KO first round
B) SUB first round
C) KO second round
D) SUB second round
E) KO third round
F) SUB third round



1. Found out that Miesha Tate is going to make a surprise visit to Claudia's Team. I bet Claudia is going to be really happy to see her, since she will be the first visitor to Team Claudia! Will she get a hug? I think she's gonna get a hug. :p (25pts)

A) Claudia will put an arm around Miesha or hug her body using her hands in any manner
B) Claudia only hugs her Team Claudia family, get out of here with your perfectly huggable self, Miesh!


2. If we had a dime for every female fighter's confessional last episode......


Exactly, Enzo, it was a freakin' travesty. So, since there's a female fight, I guess there'll be female confessionals, right? OK, will there be a confessional from a female fighter who IS NOT Amanda Cooper or Lanchana Green? (25pts)

A) Only Lanchana and/or ABC gets all the confessionals, if any...
B) There will be at least one confessional from a female fighter other than those females fighting.


3. Amanda Bobby Cooper looks in dire straits in the preview:


It's either that, or she's doing a commercial promo shoot for the newly instigated UFC Brand Portable Sauna and Steam Room ($15,000 Retail). I hear it comes with a month supply of UFC Brand Bottled Water, roughly 1.3 cubic liquid tons.

What does she weigh-in at (first try) on weigh-in day during the weigh-in ceremony? (35pts)

A) Less than or equal to 114.8 lbs
B) 114.9 lbs - 115.3 lbs
C) 115.4 lbs - 115.7 lbs
D) 115.8 lbs - 116.1 lbs
E) 116.2 lbs - 125.1 lbs


4. Last time, Amanda was there for Andrew as she held mitts for him and mumbled something about one-two. Prior to that, Andrew was there for Amanda by following her around with a ukulele and talking to her and sitting behind her on the van ride to her fight, just staring at her neckline. And before that happened, she helped him relax for his fight with midnight wrestling tips on the bedroom floor and listening to his ukulele which she said was 'nice' once, and now he has it with him all day long strumming it like a Hawaiian hobo.

Choose one thing that the wacky platonic duo of Amanda and Andrew will do one last time:

A) Andrew will be seen with his crazy ukulele (25pts)
B) Andrew will deem it fit to speak to Amanda again [for motivational purposes, of course] (20pts)
C) Both Amanda and Andrew will have confessionals this episode (35pts)
D) Amanda will 'dress up' before the fight [for motivational purposes, of course] (before her fight on that day, she will wear anything other than the fight gear they usually wear (jersey/sweatshirt/UFC tshirt, gym clothes, etc.), blue jeans are ok. If she wears fancy pants/jeans or a dress, then she's dressing up. If she's wearing blue jeans and a dressy top, that's dressing up. Heels are an automatic. (20pts)


5. I wasn't going to say anything, but for the last 3 episodes or so, there has been conspicuous yet copious amounts of certain alcohols being consumed.


Yeah, I'm pointing at you, ya goof!

Will we get another blatant shot of a beer bottle/can again this episode, or are we back to the grindstone for the semifinals finally? (25pts)

A) Bud Light has at least half a case more of integrated product placement shots in their contract. They are envious of the TUF Vans and need to catch up!
B) No beer bottles/cans seen this episode


6. There were so many van scenes and van shots last episode, it was crazy. Let's do it again! This time, for more points! Choose one:

A) Will there be 4 van shots or more (film of the vans from outside) and 2 vans scenes or less (filming within the van)? (30pts)
B) Will there be 6 van shots or more, and 3 van scenes or less? (35pts)
C) Will there be 5 van shots or more, and only one van scene? (40pts)
D) Will there be 7 van shots or more, and NO van scenes? (45pts)


7. Okay, last time we went too far with Joanna's 7-peat. Obviously, that's a once-every-6-months kind of phenomena. Let's settle for 6 consecutive repeats of a word or phrase. Will anybody during the fight, Joanna or anybody, using the closed captioning as a judge, will utter a word or phrase 6 consecutive times or more? We've seen it, we know it can happen, but now that Joanna's team isn't part of the fight, will we still get a motivational chant like before? (30pts)

A) We will get a motivational chant of 6 or more consecutive repeats of a word or phrase
B) We will not get a 6-peat or more, Joanna just lost all motivation, and is saving it all for Khalil and Stans
Last edited:
2 episodes left (including this one), with 3 fights left? I wonder if those weight-cutting issues being mentioned last week will come into play and cancel a fight.
Hopefully if Amanda has trouble making weight we get a Gabe Ruediger situation, naked by the pool.
Joanna Jedrzejczyk preparing for the fight and her mindset going into next week's TUF Finale card:

2 episodes left (including this one), with 3 fights left? I wonder if those weight-cutting issues being mentioned last week will come into play and cancel a fight.

Don't jinx it bro, we need some ABC time!
No Lanchana love, curry? A lass from the homeland, you gotta be rooting for her!

shes a cutie alright, but i figure amandas more likely to do me serious damage .......not that it will ever happen, karolina comes first girl, join the queue :p
2 episodes left (including this one), with 3 fights left? I wonder if those weight-cutting issues being mentioned last week will come into play and cancel a fight.

I believe she will make the weight because on an earlier episode of Tough Talk she was way to excited THEN to not have made it on the episode tonight. Much like the earlyTough Talk were Glaudia & Joeanne were fussing, Glaudia said that Joanne was crying after the show when they got into their fight. From watching the episodes we can see why Joeanna was crying. Sometimes they give answers away before the season is over.
is there only one fight tonight?

Yes, as far as the preview goes, they only mention the Green/Cooper fight. But they also showed Khalil's preparation for his upcoming fight, which I guess involves alot of mental anguish and such, like he was suffering from when they said he was chosen. He has to fight yet another friend, ya know.

Final TUF episode on Wed. July 6th will have Khalil/Stansbury and Kate Jackson/Tatiana Sanchez fights.

On Friday, July 8th, they have the Joanne vs. Claudia fight and the final fights of TUF 23 on Fox Sports 1.
Yes, as far as the preview goes, they only mention the Green/Cooper fight. But they also showed Khalil's preparation for his upcoming fight, which I guess involves alot of mental anguish and such, like he was suffering from when they said he was chosen. He has to fight yet another friend, ya know.

Final TUF episode on Wed. July 6th will have Khalil/Stansbury and Kate Jackson/Tatiana Sanchez fights.

On Friday, July 8th, they have the Joanne vs. Claudia fight and the final fights of TUF 23 on Fox Sports 1.
thank you
Joanna Jedrzejczyk already looking past Claudia, sets her sight on 125lb Division Championship in near future, in her opinion:



Quote from article:

"And if Jedrzejczyk has it her way, she'll close the chapter on Gadelha for good by making it 2-0 against her. After that, she foresees the UFC opening up a 125-pound division, where many of the UFC's current strawweights and bantamweights would find a more natural home.

Especially since Joanna Calderwood and Letourneau just battled at a 125-pound catchweight at UFC FIght Night 89 earlier this month in Ottawa.

"I predict that, so I know it's going to happen," Jedrzejczyk said. "It was a good fight between Valerie and JoJo, the first catchweight at 125, but I think we need that division. So many girls from bantamweight can go down, so many girls from strawweight division can go up. So we should make that division the next division."

Asked who would be a contender to fight her for the inaugural 125-pound belt, Jedrzejczyk said it didn't matter.

"I don't know," she said. "I want to be the first champion of the 125-pound division."​
thank you

Anytime, Sparkie!! Enjoy the thread, and also, please, if you have time, think about participating in the Trivia Game! :D The format of the answers should be like this:


1. B
2. C
3. C

1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. B


Those just so happen to be my answers this week. :)
2 episodes left (including this one), with 3 fights left? I wonder if those weight-cutting issues being mentioned last week will come into play and cancel a fight.

It seems to me that I've seen this sort of TUF scheduling before without it meaning that a fight gets cancelled.