TUF 20: Episode 9 Tonight at 10pm ET/7pm PT on FOX Sports 1 DISCUSSION

That is more than likely the happiest I've ever been watching TUF. Sooooo satisfying to see Herrig shut up and I'm really hoping that Randa is the "Rousey" of this season. Also LOL at the "win at life" comment, how? By losing a career making fight and being significantly uglier than the girl you just lost to?
Damn man Randa straight don't give a fuuuuuuck

Randa Markos made herself a star tonight. I was thoroughly entertained.

Randa: "Maybe that'll shut her up."

Carla: "Maybe it would if you'd stop being such a bitch!"

Randa: "Don't worry. You're next."


fuckin gold!

Justine Kish absolutely lit her up standing but Randa didn't give a fuck whatsoever and still went for TD's and almost had her subbed in the third round when Kish was gassed
This, this, and this. I think there was really a smugness that Randa brought out of her- particularly when it came to the "overrated" comment- like Carla wants us to tune in to see that Randa is full of shit.

At the same time, I'm now officially entertaining the possibility that Randa may have beaten JoJo/Rose winner and is the Rousey of the season. Am I crazy, am I delirious because it's passed 1 am and I'm running on fumes? Maybe. But I'll at least entertain the possibility.

Could you imagine if Randa vs. Esparza is the finals and this TUF talk was a carefully orchestrated hype job...

I can imagine. Before Randa even got the wildcard spot on the show I said it was going to be Randa and Carla fighting for the belt. How's that for calling the future lol
That is more than likely the happiest I've ever been watching TUF. Sooooo satisfying to see Herrig shut up and I'm really hoping that Randa is the "Rousey" of this season. Also LOL at the "win at life" comment, how? By losing a career making fight and being significantly uglier than the girl you just lost to?

only thing that tops it for me is cody mckenzie subbing marc stevens in like 15 seconds.

Markos looks good dolled up. Any other pics of her?
I may have to go back but was one of those trivia questions an ultimate fighter alumni who lost their season but won a title. I'm completely drawing a blank. o_O
Something I'd like to point out to people who don't get it.

Randa wants to train twice a day, because if she wins she has to face JoJo or Rose, who guess what, both get to train twice a day.

Everyone on Carla's side of the bracket only gets to train once a day.

If Randa is limited to one training session a day, she's at a disadvantage to JoJo/Rose winner. Carla is not.

Randa has every right to want to train twice a day, and potato face Carla can piss off.
I really don't get the Randa love. All 3 of them came off pretty annoying and rather petty, but you people only seem to hate on Carla and Felice?

How did Randa come off as annoying or Petty? She was quiet and tried to be respectful, until she was constantly attacked and name called repeatedly.
pennes nose looks better in motion in natural light than in professional photos. photographers are usually trained to find angles that create contrast, contours and shadow to distinguish features so they look 3 dimensional in a 2d photo. it really isnt forgiving on noses like penne's

i hink she may be the most attractive face there for me, except she looks too much like someone i know who im not attracted to. i know that sounds weird but yeah

The Jay Leno chin ruins it for me.
Penne and Randa would be legit hot after a nose job.

Think they're both mighty fine the way they are.

Glad Herrig lost as she's the most obnoxious lady fighter I've experienced and quite well maybe one of the most obnoxious MMA fighters there are.

Here's to Herrig picking up another loss or two and getting released.
ps- someone who acted like carla deserves zero respect. someone acts like a douche to you, then you don't give a fuck ever about that person.

I only watch the fights on TUF I don't care for the other stuff, so I didn't see how Carla was acting. I only saw how disrespectful Randa was being on TUF Talk.
I only watch the fights on TUF I don't care for the other stuff, so I didn't see how Carla was acting. I only saw how disrespectful Randa was being on TUF Talk.

You don't watch the drama on TUF, only the fights, but you watch TUF talk?

Let's put it this way... Carla deserved everything Randa said during TUF talk and more. Way more. There is a reason everyone is on Randa's side and is disgusted withe Felicia & Carla.
The finalists are coming into focus. Looks like team Pettis has a lady problem with Carla and Randa. Damn, I like the Jeopardy UFC questionnaire portion. :icon_lol: Nice skilled win for Randa. Looks like the ladies are a tad worried about her skill.
Check it out, SeveriCAN got a prediction right.

This was unexpected, back to the usual programming next week though, SeverianB picks Aisling Daly by flying one arm ezekiel choke from back mount in the 4th round
Man, I rarely if ever wish for a fighter to lose but hot damn how that Felice Herrig chick is annoying... Stfu already woman!
I really hoped Randa would win and Im glad she did. Most of these girls have very annoying personalities.
Felice and Carla hanging out with the skrapettes is bad karma.

Randa was right. Some people who like to bully are really weak mentally and needed to put on a show to make them feel better.

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