Social Tucker Carlson Starstruck By Historian Who Calls Churchill, Not Hitler, the ‘Chief Villain’ of WW2 and Casts Holocaust as Accident

Surprise Surprise. You don't find the guy debunking the Hitler apologist convincing.

It's almost scary how intelligent and rational you think you are.

I'm not saying he's wrong but I also can't say that he's right. His conclusions are based on his own reasoning backed by selected historians.

He's promoting a hollywood, cartoon caricature where Germany just wanted to conquer everything and kill everyone from the Jews, to the Poles, to the British, to the French. Just not that convincing. Zoomer takes a more nuance approach to these subjects which sounds more reasonable and less cartoonish.
I'm not saying he's wrong but I also can't say that he's right. His conclusions are based on his own reasoning backed by selected historians.
Zoomer Historian literally backs almost everything he says on ONE selected historian: David Irving

Now either you didn't know this and you're not serious or thorough in you analysis or you DID know this and you're lying in hypocrisy.