I’m sure this will be a controversial subject on this board. We all know that brain injuries from repeated concussive events can lead to changes in the brain that are generally permanent and endlessly devastating. From Muhammad Ali to Junior Seau this disease has devastated fans, loved ones and families. Since MMA is in i’
ts infancy compared to other high risk sports, we are now just beginning to see the impact on fighters. I have left out in my list gray area fighters these are fighters that I feel most likely have underlying mental health issues prior to fighting and/or substance abuse issues. I have no doubt that Mayhem and War Machine have TBI/TBE but confounded by bipolar disorder and substance abuse.
1) Mark Hunt. He has already clearly stated he suffers all the symptoms. Love the guy, true warrior but has fought so long and so many repeated shots in both mma and kB/pride I feel he would be at the top. When someone becomes that impulsive with swings of rage (the ufc has f’d him) are help this decision.
2) Chuck Liddell. All time great. Possible alcohol use but the string of severe ko losses and rumored intense sparing and fighting all his life do not look good. Hearing him speak is very sad.
3) Don Frye. Well noted in decline and the brain buster taka fight alone would subject someone.
4) Ken Shamrock. One of the great pioneers of the sport. PED user but we don’t know how that factors in the CNS (central nervous system) but certainly prolonged his career and times concussed and KO’d.
5) Wanderlei. PEDS and possible substance abuse here. I had Saku number four but difficult when you don’t know the behavioral changes. So many it’s wars here. Showing signs of severe impairment of judgement. (Opinion on my part, I only see media).
6) Sakuraba. Love the guy as a fighter and entertainer. I don’t know of many fighters who have been concussed more than this all time great.
7) Big Nog. Granted has a big nog but not quite like Bigfoot or super Samoan but so many years can take hits and for so many years. Notes significant changes in speech on interviews.
8) Gary Goodrich. One of the pioneers long brutal career in kickboxing and mma and ko’d more than can recall
9) Diego Sanchez. Polarizing guy at first, liked him or not, now most would probably say despite the past, he has made great fights. Always an entertaining fight. When you see formerly iron chins drop in a fighter that in every fight goes to war with reckless abandon start to fail, it’s not good. Brutal KO’s in the past several fights, and as far as I know still willing for more is is not a good sign.
10) I was thinking the Reem here due to his career length and some brutal knockouts, but I don’t think he has taken the repeated head trauma of the others. “UBEREEM” was having minimal damage and fights ended in seconds. Overeem had some slobber knockers butvrearely. Generally bit not hit much except for a single ouch. The last KO was brutal but kit repeated blows. He still seems to have his wits and clarity of speech and engagement seem fine. I put arlovski here as well as typically it’s a few strikes either way. So I am finishing with a tie. Chris Leben and Joe Riggs. Subsatan e abuse and peds may come into play with these two but both started young and ended up after many brutal fights changed
This list was thrown out of the top my head with no real research. I apologize if this is offensive as obviously a sad but true reality of this sport. I have no clinical evidence regarding these fighters and no offense. These guys put their lives in the line to entertain us. I apologize for any false assumption in the post. Upmost wishes to these fighters. We are understanding brain injuries and I hope in the near future, regulations and testing will continue to progress, and possibly treatments for those who are suffering.
ts infancy compared to other high risk sports, we are now just beginning to see the impact on fighters. I have left out in my list gray area fighters these are fighters that I feel most likely have underlying mental health issues prior to fighting and/or substance abuse issues. I have no doubt that Mayhem and War Machine have TBI/TBE but confounded by bipolar disorder and substance abuse.
1) Mark Hunt. He has already clearly stated he suffers all the symptoms. Love the guy, true warrior but has fought so long and so many repeated shots in both mma and kB/pride I feel he would be at the top. When someone becomes that impulsive with swings of rage (the ufc has f’d him) are help this decision.
2) Chuck Liddell. All time great. Possible alcohol use but the string of severe ko losses and rumored intense sparing and fighting all his life do not look good. Hearing him speak is very sad.
3) Don Frye. Well noted in decline and the brain buster taka fight alone would subject someone.
4) Ken Shamrock. One of the great pioneers of the sport. PED user but we don’t know how that factors in the CNS (central nervous system) but certainly prolonged his career and times concussed and KO’d.
5) Wanderlei. PEDS and possible substance abuse here. I had Saku number four but difficult when you don’t know the behavioral changes. So many it’s wars here. Showing signs of severe impairment of judgement. (Opinion on my part, I only see media).
6) Sakuraba. Love the guy as a fighter and entertainer. I don’t know of many fighters who have been concussed more than this all time great.
7) Big Nog. Granted has a big nog but not quite like Bigfoot or super Samoan but so many years can take hits and for so many years. Notes significant changes in speech on interviews.
8) Gary Goodrich. One of the pioneers long brutal career in kickboxing and mma and ko’d more than can recall
9) Diego Sanchez. Polarizing guy at first, liked him or not, now most would probably say despite the past, he has made great fights. Always an entertaining fight. When you see formerly iron chins drop in a fighter that in every fight goes to war with reckless abandon start to fail, it’s not good. Brutal KO’s in the past several fights, and as far as I know still willing for more is is not a good sign.
10) I was thinking the Reem here due to his career length and some brutal knockouts, but I don’t think he has taken the repeated head trauma of the others. “UBEREEM” was having minimal damage and fights ended in seconds. Overeem had some slobber knockers butvrearely. Generally bit not hit much except for a single ouch. The last KO was brutal but kit repeated blows. He still seems to have his wits and clarity of speech and engagement seem fine. I put arlovski here as well as typically it’s a few strikes either way. So I am finishing with a tie. Chris Leben and Joe Riggs. Subsatan e abuse and peds may come into play with these two but both started young and ended up after many brutal fights changed
This list was thrown out of the top my head with no real research. I apologize if this is offensive as obviously a sad but true reality of this sport. I have no clinical evidence regarding these fighters and no offense. These guys put their lives in the line to entertain us. I apologize for any false assumption in the post. Upmost wishes to these fighters. We are understanding brain injuries and I hope in the near future, regulations and testing will continue to progress, and possibly treatments for those who are suffering.
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