Trying to gain solid mass. How much cardio?


Orange Belt
Oct 16, 2005
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I'm 17 right now, 5' 10.5" and 155lb. I'd like to put on around 15lb of lean mass, but I have some questions. I recently started training Muay Thai and also plan on doing some BJJ in a few months. I want to put on lean mass but also get quicker. How much if any cardio should I do in addition to my Muay Thai workouts. Here is my weekly schedule:

Mon - Lifting: Bench, rows, skull crushers
Tues - Muay Thai: 1hr
Wed - Light bagwork: 45 min, Running: 3 miles
Thurs - Muay Thai: 1 hr
Fri - Lifting: Squat, deadlift, cleans
Sat - Muay Thai: 1hr
Sun - Yoga: 1.5 hr, Rest

I know my schedule is far from perfect, but it is more or less what I can do according to certain time limitations. My question is: Should I cut out the running and put in more lifting? Should I cut out a Muay Thai session for more lifting? Should I just stuff down pound upon pound of beef, chicken, or turkey down my throat? All of the Above?
to gain weight it would be better to replace your running day with another lifting day
Mixed training equals mixed results!!!

If you want to gain weight, use charlie francies/ian kings GPP template:

4days a week strength trianing
2days a week technique
4days a week strengthing
1day if any energy system were you mimic your sport
2 days a week recovery techniques
Conduct a search for Chad Waterbury, he has some really good articles about building size and strength.
Reakt said:
to gain weight it would be better to replace your running day with another lifting day

I agree and gaining weight is more about eating more food than it is about lifting.
anvar said:
Mixed training equals mixed results!!!

If you want to gain weight, use charlie francies/ian kings GPP template:

4days a week strength trianing
2days a week technique
4days a week strengthing
1day if any energy system were you mimic your sport
2 days a week recovery techniques

I like that template, especially if technique only needs to be maintained. Veteran MMA guys sometime spend too much time on technique.
Jay M. said:
I agree and gaining weight is more about eating more food than it is about lifting.

truest thing ive read all day
Jay M. said:
I like that template, especially if technique only needs to be maintained. Veteran MMA guys sometime spend too much time on technique.

yes and know.
technique no, drills yes should be done often.

for this kid, choose one or the other. weight gain, or serious martial arts. not both. you can do both but if martial arts is your goal then 1-2workouts on wieghts a week-10days. total body, meaning one press/one pull/one leg/maybe 2 supplemental exercises.
otherwise you will be overtrained.
peregrine said:
yes and know.
technique no, drills yes should be done often.

for this kid, choose one or the other. weight gain, or serious martial arts. not both. you can do both but if martial arts is your goal then 1-2workouts on wieghts a week-10days. total body, meaning one press/one pull/one leg/maybe 2 supplemental exercises.
otherwise you will be overtrained.

Yes and no. :)

Look at guys like Fedor and Hughes. Somehow they manage both and with great success. For the most part, it is individually-based. Good genetics, good recovery techniques, etc. most definitely help.
Jay M. said:
Yes and no. :)

Look at guys like Fedor and Hughes. Somehow they manage both and with great success. For the most part, it is individually-based. Good genetics, good recovery techniques, etc. most definitely help.

uh fedor and hughes are not average genetics aor skill. these guys run sick drug cycles and get paid to fight and paid well. they live to fight. this guy is a kid.
go ahead and tell me the masses which means 90% of the people out there can do this. btw this guy i can tell you with no disrespect meant to him knows next to nothing about lifting except what's in musclerags. tell me guys can grow and get strong using joesweider routines. no the masses get strong by lifting heavy and doing minimal till another 5-10days.

unless he is 1 in a 100,000,000 genetics he is unlikely to get reasonably stronger and bigger doing the exact same thing fedor or hughes does. he would get weaker and get an overuse injury. with no drugs.

good pay and stable = good massages, jacuzzi, excellent food, latest recovery techniques, etc....
in regards to the template if it was me figthing and used assistance i would do

2-3 strength sessions a week volume adjusted for peak
1-2 sport specific energy pathway
1 long slow distance cardio
4-6 technique drills including light sparring/rolling
0-2 serious sparring