Best entrance ever, the taker ain't got shit on the shockmaster
“He fell on his fookin arse”
There's something beautiful about this to me. I don't follow wrestling any more and only time in for WM every year but I still have tremendous respect for the guys that value the art/show so much they are willing to thrash their bodies. Especially for nearly zero pay“Wrestling”
Those pancake midgets are up there too.
There's something beautiful about this to me. I don't follow wrestling any more and only time in for WM every year but I still have tremendous respect for the guys that value the art/show so much they are willing to thrash their bodies. Especially for nearly zero pay
When I was much younger I laid out hundreds of thumbtacs on a wooden floor and flipped onto my back. 50+ embed into me. I wanted to be a pro wrestler and wanted to test myself taking a bump like that.
Hornswoggle was taking on 205 pound fish. Jon Jones ducked him.I didn't know Conor McGreggor made a UFC appearance