Try to find meaning in life my fellow sherbros


Nov 27, 2008
Reaction score
Life boils down to this:


Ikigai is a Japanese word for meaning. Once you have fulfilled each of these parts, and found the center, you will be happy and purposeful.

Lastly, I leave you with this. Find inner peace.

Good luck my fellow sherbros. START TODAY.
I believe I've got all four of those checked off if my attempt to be an environmental lawyer is successful.
Why not just put meaning in the middle, you pretentious jerkhole! :mad:
That is excellent! Keep working hard at it my friend. Success will be yours.
All A's with the exception of two B's since my return to school. I think this semester is a shoe-in for straight A's. This damn logic class has me all fucked up though.
there is no meaning, we are not here to "get it", just to live it
Im still working on it but ive made great progress this past year.
What makes anyone think that there is any meaning to life?
Whatever Conor is up too is all that matters in life bro.

Not your witchcraft voodoo magic veiled pentagram charts.


Conors Instagram
ikagi occurs whenever rum is in the same room with me <{smellit?}>
Life boils down to this:


Ikigai is a Japanese word for meaning. Once you have fulfilled each of these parts, and found the center, you will be happy and purposeful.

Lastly, I leave you with this. Find inner peace.

Good luck my fellow sherbros. START TODAY.

How can you possible abide by this? I don’t see money or bit coin on there at all.
there is no meaning, we are not here to "get it", just to live it
There is whatever meaning you assign to it. Stop acting as if your own relativist social constructionist ideals are how everyone else sees things.