I don't think he was boasting. Perhaps he should have considered that there are many people predisposed to interpreting everything he says and does through a Hitler lens and not made the tweet. I can agree with that. (1)
What does this have to do with leftists losing their minds and passing fake pictures around? I never claimed you guys are upset(although you are) and I never claimed his approval rating isn't low(although its not). I was talking about audience sizes. (2)
Did you just call Mitch McConnell a "political thinker" of a movement? This is where the disconnect comes in. You guys have more respect for Republicans than republican voters. And its because you have more respect and reverence for the establishment and government as a whole. (3)
This political class(from both parties) you speak of brought us the Iraq war, trillions in debt, police state surveillance, economic turmoil, and so many other wonderful things.
How has our political establishment been anything other than a slow motion disaster for decades IH? Riddle me that one. (4)
Not that I would vouch for any of the names listed I must say that the "deplorable" crowd has managed to win the presidency, the congress, and reshape the republican party(well trying anyway). And they are now in the process of reshaping the country and some of the world. They're not doing too bad IH.
Meanwhile the Democratic and Republican establishment are pushing what ideas exactly?
1. His antics make it eternally easy to demonize Trump.
2. The problem is the perception, and much of America perceives Donald Trump as a questionable leader. Yes the media is partially to blame, but so is Donald Trump.
3. Mitch McConnell is a political leader and attained that status through political action in a difficult political landscape. Three Roy Moores, neigh, a dozen could not achieve what he could achieve as a political operator.
He is not an intellectual, I made that comment desperate as Bannon has made all ends of the thinking, moderate, or else pragmatic end of the right "establishment types" who are "against us" and corrupt by default. That is not the way politics is or has ever worked, he is fooling people by saying that because they want to believe this is so simple, and he wants more power, as do the other talking Hannity heads.
All talk, no substance does not a revolution make.
4. Yes the establishment sucks, but, all government states need real leaders, intellectuals, activists, and followers to play their part.
If they all choose a man who is serial liar, debased in terms of ideas, incompetent at running the shallow or deep state, inspires destructive activists, further rejects the intellectuals who make the ideas, and haves the followers march to the drum of winning at all costs, the "system" be damned, then the whole right may die on the charge up Trump Hill.
Trust me, I do not want to score points or win anything or enjoy "Right wing tears" or anything else debased.
I in fact would like to see some of the cultural principles and ideas of the American right succeed, but Donald Trump is a false Prophet selling a false notion, and the sooner we can see the emperor has no clothes, the sooner the right can don a sense of respectability again.