Trump's Mar-A-Lago aks Dept. Of Labor for 61 (or 40) foreign worker visas

Trumtards will defend anything Trump does, it is amazing.
I've literally seen them defend both ends of the same argument when their daddy changed his mind or started to contradict himself. It's mind boggling.
As a matter of policy he has been against visa workers (revising h1b1 standards and supporting the raise act which proposes cutting green cards by 50%). He and his admin are on record as saying low wage immigrants are depressing the wages of the American worker. Yes as a matter of business he has continued to be a hypocrite.

Your framing, as if he wants to open up the borders (ie letting in all the cheap workers in through visas) while the liberals want the same thing but too keep it underground, just does not make much sense to me.
h1b's are way different, and well underpaid.

h2's are for bottom of the barrel, low skill work

apples and oranges. Trump expanded H2's last year.... yes, he expanded that program. This is in line with what he's been doing.
That maybe but he did sell himself as America First, as someone concerned with American jobs, outsourcing and H1B visas. He did advocate for the hiring of Americans. He criticized Harley for moving some production overseas. Yet here he is hiring foreigners for jobs that Americans can do.
there's a difference between jobs that pay living wages, and those that dont. He wants to preserve the ones that do, and couldnt care about the ones that dont.

the wages at his hotel are at market wages. They're low skilled labor.
@MicroBrew you know these are 3rd party agencies reporting this right? There is no need for a resort to go to these agencies to look for workers....

can you spot fake news?
The old I don’t agree with what they are saying and can’t prove them wrong so it must be fake.
Trumps 2nd greatest con after the one he pulled on the Christians is his fake news bit.
h1b's are way different, and well underpaid.

h2's are for bottom of the barrel, low skill work

apples and oranges. Trump expanded H2's last year.... yes, he expanded that program. This is in line with what he's been doing.

there's a difference between jobs that pay living wages, and those that dont. He wants to preserve the ones that do, and couldnt care about the ones that dont.

the wages at his hotel are at market wages. They're low skilled labor.

Right he wants to reduce highly skilled labor and unskilled labor, reduce green cards by 50%, but wants more of just the subsection of low skilled workers that helps his hotels. Apples and oranges ....

He opposes guest worker programs in general but still he expanded that one visa program right before his own businesses asked for a bunch of them. Funny the additional visas came 6 months later than they do in most years (no evidence but just a bet the timing was self serving), but they were there in time for his hotel.

And if they were at market wages, he would not need to artificially add supply from foreign countries. They are obv not at MAGA market wages. We are supposed to believe that we don’t have enough restaurant cooks but we have saturated the market in software engineers?
h1b's are way different, and well underpaid.

h2's are for bottom of the barrel, low skill work

apples and oranges. Trump expanded H2's last year.... yes, he expanded that program. This is in line with what he's been doing.

the wages at his hotel are at market wages. They're low skilled labor.
So he doesn't care about defending a decent wage for the low end jobs because his businesses hire low end workers, and don't have use for professionals. Sounds like he is very selective about what jobs he wants to protect based on his financial interests.

there's a difference between jobs that pay living wages, and those that dont. He wants to preserve the ones that do, and couldn't care about the ones that dont.
It is actions like his ,namely hiring foreign workers, that has driven down wages causing what you term jobs that don't pay a living wage.
Hurting American workers, by not hiring them and lowering wages. I thought Trump was all about "America First" and MAGA.

not that I agree with trump on this but it's funny watching y'all switch positions on a whim just to attack trump .. I thought you all cared about the poor immigrants just looking for a better life ? apparently not when you have a chance at attacking trump

you guys don't even know where you're standing
Right he wants to reduce highly skilled labor and unskilled labor, reduce green cards by 50%, but wants more of just the subsection of low skilled workers that helps his hotels. Apples and oranges ....

He opposes guest worker programs in general but still he expanded that one visa program right before his own businesses asked for a bunch of them. Funny the additional visas came 6 months later than they do in most years (no evidence but just a bet the timing was self serving), but they were there in time for his hotel.

And if they were at market wages, he would not need to artificially add supply from foreign countries. They are obv not at MAGA market wages. We are supposed to believe that we don’t have enough restaurant cooks but we have saturated the market in software engineers?
the thing is that restaurant cooks are underpaid anyhow. My brother works for a five star restaurant in bel air for years, and his pay was abismal.

software engineers have everything going against them, when workers from india with lower standard schools go into the market willing to take only half pay (which is still good by most standards).

Low skilled jobs will never be compared to high end professions.

I have no idea the logistics of his Lago hotel, it could be off the grid, hence require low skilled workers willing to live on premise. There are upscale places in cali that do that sort of thing. Just a guess.
Visa's are legal, right? Is he violating any laws?
What exactly is the problem here?

He wants to restrict immigration by precisely the type of people he wants to hire for his resort.
not that I agree with trump on this but it's funny watching y'all switch positions on a whim just to attack trump .. I thought you all cared about the poor immigrants just looking for a better life ? apparently not when you have a chance at attacking trump

you guys don't even know where you're standing

Pot calling the kettle black.

Many businesses want to hire immigrants because they will work for less money. but Trump doesn't want them to be allowed in because he's pandering to his racist base by claiming that they are causing low wages. Capilalism works on the law of supply and demand. The more demand the higher the price for it. Labor is in demand now but capitalists want to pay less not more.
the thing is that restaurant cooks are underpaid anyhow. My brother works for a five star restaurant in bel air for years, and his pay was abismal.

software engineers have everything going against them, when workers from india with lower standard schools go into the market willing to take only half pay (which is still good by most standards).

Low skilled jobs will never be compared to high end professions.

I have no idea the logistics of his Lago hotel, it could be off the grid, hence require low skilled workers willing to live on premise. There are upscale places in cali that do that sort of thing. Just a guess.

If you are already underpaid then adding foreign labor, especially when supply is low domestically will only prevent the wages from rising back up. The dynamic is the same, it’s as simple as adding supply = lower price.

Trump has consistently voiced opposition to high skilled and low skilled immigrants stealing jobs/depressing wages. His base is not exactly made up of software engineers. I still don’t see the rational that gives him a pass for just the kind of visas his business happens to need.
You know employees aren't paid from the owner's personal checking account, right?

Oh yeah, I'm sure non-Trump supporters would just be lining up to work there. They'd be there throwing eggs, hitting people with bike locks and shouting "nooooo" into the heavens if they could get anywhere near the place.

Wake me up when he hires illegals.
Doubling the membership fee after Trump became president probably gave a pretty penny.

Blatant hypocrisy from trump and Trumptards still defend.
Not hypocritical at all. Anti immigration is a lie created by the left. Most people and trump are anti illegal and mass immigration.

Nothing to see here.
Not hypocritical at all. Anti immigration is a lie created by the left. Most people and trump are anti illegal and mass immigration.

Nothing to see here.

The point isn't about him being anti immigration, it's about his stance of protecting and increasing the amount of American jobs, putting "America first". It's yet another case where his political line doesn't count when it comes to his own businesses making more money. But shame on anyone else that does it!
Per CNN and some mainstream news sites:
Mar-A-Lago wants the Dept of Labor to approve 61 foreign worker visa applications (H2-B) to fullfill these positions:
Cooks (21 visas for cooks)
Servers (40 for servers)

Can we say hypocrite?
A dubious argument can be made for cooks, by claiming the resort needs foreign cusine experts, but 21 cooks? And considering that we have lots of people in America from all corners of the world, the local pool of cooks competent in foreign dishes should satisfy the resort's needs.

Trump has previously claimed it is hard to find workers. Listen, if you pay a good wage, Americans will do the job. Trump is a billionaire so why is it hard for him to pay a nice enough wage that attracts American workers. The wages listed for these foreign workers isn't low, but isn't great either. Small restaurants here (sub-urban MidWest town) have the same or higher wage. A fancy place like Mar-A-Lago can afford to pay more. There must be a lot of Trump supporters and non-supporters eager to work there, cause the place is perceived as glamorous and they get to see powerful and famous people.

Last year Mar-A-Lago was given 70 foreign worker visas. For maids, cooks and servers.

Some news sites say 61 visas and some say 40 visas.
So, Mar a Lago is granting a wonderful opportunity to 40+ foreigners, and you immediately want everyone to cry “HYPOCRITE!”

I doubt these visas are for ordinary burger flippers, as opposed to high-level cooks, culinary apprentices, etc. who may actually benefit greatly in their career endeavors after this expeience.

Pretty certain the visa applicants will be highly-scrutinized in order to avoid visa overstays/violations/fraud.

I highly doubt ANY Trump supporter will have an issue with this, and rightfully so.
The point isn't about him being anti immigration, it's about his stance of protecting and increasing the amount of American jobs, putting "America first". It's yet another case where his political line doesn't count when it comes to his own businesses making more money. But shame on anyone else that does it!
You do realize visas expire, don’t you?

Nothing says these foreigners will permanently fill these positions.
so you are for building a wall and stopping all illegal and hell legal immigration for that matter. Right?
A barrier is fine, but I do not support one on environmentally sensitive areas and on Tribal lands.

Not in favor of stopping all immigration. What he US should do is provide work visas to Mexicans and Central Americans with a path towards citizenship.
Yes, it's hypocritical and I don't approve, and won't defend it. No, it's not going to get me to want him out of office. He is doing enough of the right things that I won't be joining his opposition any time soon. If you want to know what it would take I don't have a precise answer for you, but this is not it. Don't get me wrong I'm not totally happy with him, but I live with the fact that there is no perfect candidate and the ones that are better (at least on the surface) can't seem to get elected.
Trump is a do as I say not as I do person, and his followers lap it up like little bitches.