Trump/Ukraine v26 Trump Impeachment Trial---The Jig Is Up! The God King Trump Rules On! Trump 2020!

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Cant they just blow this thing open and do the trial but let both sides call their own witnesses. Imagine the absolute shitstorm that would bring up
I don't enjoy it. That doesn't mean I need to act as if these jobs are being taken by some foreign force when the fact is that it's our right wing politicians who who doggedly fought to ship those jobs overseas, especially since so many of them a venture capitalists, and make their money in these ways.

Then when you have a triangulating cunt like Slick Willy there to capitulate and implement their catastrophic theories into policy and allow them to further ship jobs and capital overseas? Here we are.

Blame Globalists and read more or just circle this forum until the end of time.
Blame Globalists and read more or just circle this forum until the end of time.

I blame the politicians who make the decision to ally themselves with corporate interest over the wellbeing of the Republic, and decide to implement policies that affect bad consequences, not some shadowy cabal that's somehow forcing these same politicians to whore out.

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