Trump threatens to cut funding to 3 countries if their citizens enter the U.S. illegally

Trust me, I know exactly how it is when you visit dangerous places in Mexico. The cartels and gangsters will kill you and your family in broad day light.

You would take the risk to illegally cross borders or legality process. I laugh when people act like they would do what's needed to live a better and safe life lol
If you believe that shortening the naturalization process is the only way for them to be saved...

Besides, the people in question aren't from Mexico.
The caravans are burning U.S. flags on their way up to invading the U.S. Fuck all you liberal fucks that condone this.
The caravans are burning U.S. flags on their way up to invading the U.S. Fuck all you liberal fucks that condone this.

That’s very interesting. I saw videos of them waving Honduran flags like they were some invading army. I didn’t know they were burning US flags too
shout out to everyone who supports this caravan.
Without you the Republicans would have lost a lot of seats in this midterm.
Thank you

There really couldn't be better timing for a migrant caravan to be flooding the United States.
How can anyone support this? Paid for or not. How can folks be okay with this?

No, I said the cartel will move on to other things. Such as human trafficking.
how much money is in human trafficking, compared to drugs? probably not nearly as much.

my point is clear. end the drug war and you cut off a ton of money being sent south of the border.

*Edit- the swatstika adds a certain flair.
Also, apparently El Salvador is planning a caravan to leave at the end of the month. This is going to reach 15k to 20k illegal invaders.
Probably get rid of 9th circuit judges.
Their judgements are overturned 80% of the time, but still have to wait to go through Supreme Court.

Copypasting why this is a misused stat:

79% of their cases that SCOTUS decides to hear are overturned. That represents less than 1% of all of their cases.

To give you a scope of how cherry picked that metric is, the ninth circuit heard over 10,000 cases in 2015. Probably about 1500 were presented to SCOTUS for review because people thought The Supreme Court reviewed all of those decisions selected 11 as actually meriting argument (ie, were possibly wrong), and reversed 8 of those.

This is not getting 79% of your job wrong. This is getting 99.9% of your job correct, and then people reviewing your performance on the 0.1% that your boss identified as probably wrong.
The statistic used to support that is 80% of cases scotus hears from the 9th are reversed or vacated (140/173).* But in the 10 years that SCOTUS overturned those 140 cases, the 9th actually issued decisions in 114,000 cases.

The metric used to arrive at an 80% reversal rate puts the average reversal rate at ~70%, and leaves the 9th ahead of the federal circuit and, depending on which year, the 10th, 5th, and 6th. You actually have to cherry pick pretty hard to avoid the sixth having a worse rate, since from 2008-2011, they had a span which was something like 22/23 cases reversed. This doesn't get into state courts, many of which get overturned far more than any federal court.
Is anyone actually defending this?
Yes, people believe these pacifist, angels from a corrupt country that grew up in violence and turmoil are coming to our country peacefully and want to fully assimilate!
Its called the second hand market.

So she paid 150? In any case that's an expensive stroller for her demographic. Not to mention you don't know if its second hand or not.