Elections Trump stacks Pentagon with loyalists - Coup incoming?

This move is such banana republic 101 b.s. It's so clumsy in its attempts too, but it's scary to see a bunch of people buy into it. Sure, let the courts determine how much voter fraud there was. Everyone knows it'll probably lead to nowhere, but that won't stop his supporters from believing that they were wronged.

Guys, the moves Trump is making now aren't going to magically be erased. This is leaving a paper trail. Several bureaucrats are resigning out of refusal to do what is being asked. If you don't think they didn't back their work up already with USB keys and that they won't talk, you're wrong. The people at the top who are putting Trump before the country are going to be held accountable for this.
How is this a fight for democracy? This guy has routinely tried to crush democracy. Wanna-be dictator is spot-on. Listen, there’s always some issue of voter fraud. Every election. The process honestly needs more transparency for the confidence of the people it represents the will of. But for Trump to win, they would have to find fraud in HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of ballots and that is a very unlikely scenario. This guy posturing for a coup, is looking to get himself wacked. And righteously.

Look, if anyone is trying to grab power outside of the normal legal process, they can go fuck themselves..But to just dismiss major fraud as a possibility is just ridiculous..

Mitch and the rest of the cartel are not nearly crazy and dumb enough to go down that road. Did you see what happened in cities across america when a single guy got kneeled on lol?

Agreed. Every large city would be in ruins. Including ones in ruby red states.

Missouri is a Ruby Red state that Trump won by 15 points. It's 2 largest cities (by a LOT) Kansas City and St. Louis, are over 50% minority.

Ain't no election getting overturned.
If Trump wanted to get reelected, he should have taken COVID or environmental issues seriously or not gone out of his way to piss all kinds of people off.
imagine going to war for donald trump, let alone voting for him

Born in lebanon from a christian-jew family, raised in France, have a dual citizenship.
Living in London atm.

Appreciate the answer. You've been pretty animated around here lately, as a result of the election, so I was just a bit surprised to see you're not from the US.
Look, if anyone is trying to grab power outside of the normal legal process, they can go fuck themselves..But to just dismiss major fraud as a possibility is just ridiculous..

The only thing that’s ridiculous here is alleging major election fraud without any evidence. You can’t just make up crazy accusation without evidence and expect the courts to pursue it. That might work in Russia, it doesn’t work in liberal democracies.
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a coup is exactly what trump is attempting. it’s just calling a spade a spade
The courts will have to agree with him. They won't.
State legislatures will have to agree with him. They won't.
Bureaucrats will receive orders from newly installed senior officials and will have to agree with Trump. They won't.

Trump is trying to stage a half-ass coup. He thinks he has more support than he really has.
It's funny how 1 post tells me everything I need to know about you, most importantly that you're a dumb fuck.
How many of these will you scream dictator about before you realize the president doesn't have the power you think they do because you're ignorant, childish, and very dull