Trump/Russian Leak Vol 2: Now the second worst thing done since Monday.

Funny how this whole Russian ambassador thing has blown over (just like I said it would), and now the Democrats have switched to the Comey memos.

Democrats, remember the story of the boy who cried "Wolf". If you democrats keep crying "impeachment!" over ever little thing President Trump does, no one will believe any of you or take you seriously if an actual scandal were to emerge.
Who leaked it? From your original post:

"In this specific instance the POTUS told Russia that the US had intel from an Israeli source that ISIS was looking to use laptops to detonate an explosive device on US bound flights. This intel also included the location (or rough location - the city) from which that intel was sourced..."

You're joking right? The Israeli operative is on the ground in Syria and his location was leaked. If ISIS can narrow it down from there and find the agent he is fucked!

Because that's how classified intel works, information is kept secret because it can potentially do a lot of damage if leaked. If this is all true Trump is too stupid to hold this position.
Nobody knew the specifics until the media gave it.


I'm beside myself that virtually no one itt gives a shit about the media's role. Their behavior is just as egregious as Trump's- if not moreso. It's not surprising the orange man says things to try and make friends. What is surprising is the media having such reckless disregard which is entirely counterintuitive and contradictory if they even gave a single shit about the spy.

You people's heads are spun around 360 degrees and all you can do is bitch a one-sided argument to one another.
Nobody knew the specifics until the media gave it.


I'm beside myself that virtually no one itt gives a shit about the media's role. Their behavior is just as egregious as Trump's- if not moreso. It's not surprising the orange man says things to try and make friends. What is surprising is the media having such reckless disregard which is entirely counterintuitive and contradictory if they even gave a single shit about the spy.

You people's heads are spun around 360 degrees and all you can do is bitch a one-sided argument to one another.

Regardless of how one feels about Trump most people should recognize what dangerous territory were in here. The media, deep state, and establisent Washington are attempting a literal coup and breaking a million laws in the process.

Americans allowing this to happen is how we lose our country.
Nobody knew the specifics until the media gave it.


I'm beside myself that virtually no one itt gives a shit about the media's role. Their behavior is just as egregious as Trump's- if not moreso. It's not surprising the orange man says things to try and make friends. What is surprising is the media having such reckless disregard which is entirely counterintuitive and contradictory if they even gave a single shit about the spy.

You people's heads are spun around 360 degrees and all you can do is bitch a one-sided argument to one another.

I'm going to have to agree with you on the media, they caused just as much damage if not more to classified intel as Trump. Trump gave Israel's intel to Russia, Russia is friends with Assad, Israel and Assad hate each other so there could be a path that could endanger the Israeli operatives in Syria. The media just blurted it out so all ISIS has to do is listen to western media and they can figure it out.
You still didn't answer my first question, it seems like you can't for some reason.. was our agents from our intelligence agencies. They leaked to Wapo. Not the president. Not any Russians.

Russia having this information harmed no one.

You realize that Russia and Assad are allies and Assad and Israel hate each other. If this intel found it's way to Assad this could be very bad for Israel's agents on the ground. Even if the chance is remote, you cannot make these kind of mistakes as President.

Yes, this Admin is a dumpster fire so far... but in this case the POTUS did no wrong. I clearly deliniate why this is the case. If you consider that ISIS has openly stated they will begin to attack Russians in Russia, the POTUS had every right to share some, all or none of this intel.

If he wanted to share intel he should have let the CIA do their jobs and divulge only what was needed to the Russians. Instead this moron in an effort to impress probably spouted off:

"I have the best intel, nobody has better intel than me"

and proceeded to give details that he shouldn't have.

The actual harm here was done by people who hate our current POTUS so much that they will stop at nothing to take shots at him. Yes, he sucks, but this is NOT how our government should be behaving. Today a host on NPR openly speculated that the "leak" was a concerted effort by some in the intelligence world to get back at Trump for firing Comey...

I do agree with you on his enemy's in the government the media, they were extremely reckless here.

And, well, your last paragraph just reads of hysterics that don't even correspond to anything in my post. That bit of text literally circumnavigated the paragraph that it is supposed to respond to...

You asked me: How can you be so sure any of that or anything at all will happen as a result of this "leak"?'

The path is there between the Russian's ---> Assad ----> Israel

Nothing may come of it but you don't take that chance with these kinds of operations.

Sooo, yeah

So.... No.
Tag me, when you lie about me, coward.

I gave you an answer. I said it was irrelevant. And it is.

If you have to avoid a hypothetical by questioning it's relevance, you're simply afraid to answer it. Why would I tag someone who's afraid to answer questions?
If you have to avoid a hypothetical by questioning it's relevance, you're simply afraid to answer it. Why would I tag someone who's afraid to answer questions?

It being a hypothetical, makes it irrelevant.

Sorry, I think the "If roles were reversed" thing, is a tired, pointless game, only desperate fools with no other argument take part in.

I also find it hilarious that for all the Libbies in here that are quick to point out the "Bu-bu-but Hillary/Obama" excuse, they sure don't mind using it when it suits their own needs.
It being a hypothetical, makes it irrelevant.

Irrelevant to what? This is a discussion forum, we're here to discuss anything we want in any number of ways. You declaring something irrelevant is simply saying "I don't wanna answer it".

Sorry, I think the "If roles were reversed" thing, is a tired, pointless game,

It's not a game, it's a simple question. A question you're afraid of.

only desperate fools with no other argument take part in.

You're typing all of this to desperately avoid giving a 1 sentence long answer. You are the desperate fool in this scenario.

I also find it hilarious that for all the Libbies in here that are quick to point out the "Bu-bu-but Hillary/Obama" excuse, they sure don't mind using it when it suits their own needs.

Who's using this as an excuse? What am I excusing?

It's a simple question. It's relevance is insight to your character. It'll help everyone going forward know just what kind of jock-riding clown you are. Of course, you already know that. It's why you're scared....
This is so mindnumbingly stupid. First, I don't even remember who or when the original private email story broke. I do however remember it all confirmed and admitted along with a bunch of other stuff.

And secondly...the Comey memos, if they do exist, are not proof of anything. They are Comey's unverified claims...he said/she said. Of the Comey memos show us anything it's that Comey cannot be trusted at all. He's the modern J Edgar Hoover. Either he is making up this obstruction claim in an effort to get back at the President OR...he sat on the memo's and didn't alert anyone for two months all the while giving knowingly false testimony. If Comey wrote these memos he did them specifically in order to cover his own ass and blackmail/retaliate against Trump. It's the smart, prudent(and criminal) thing for him to do. He's probably got memo's on Obama, Lynch, and everyone. Hence why no one likes him but no one would fire him.

And thirdly...what Trump is being accused of saying to Comey doesn't even amount to obstruction of justice. He didn't attempt to shutdown, damage, or prevent the investigation.

This whole thing is just retarded yet you guys are holding on to it. How come?

What confirmed? To me it appeared to result in little more than a wag over the finger because of bad email management, akin to what happened to Mike Pence when he was governor (and countless of other public officials). I know you're all frothing at the mouth of some bigger conspiracy at play, but if you objectively look at the verified evidence that the countless investigations and leaks provided - like a sane person - it's barely even worth talking about.

I'm not even going to entertain your mental gymnastics. It's clear that you have backed yourself into a corner as a loyal Trump supporter, and is desperately trying to save face. I could make you a timeline of the Trump presidency so far, and quite objectively make a clear case as to why this potentially is a big deal. There is a lot of smoke. Now Comey will testify in next week (I think), and there is a subpoena out for his memo and all financial documentation relating to Trump and his administrations prior dealings with Russian officials. And then we will see, or at least get a more accurate picture, of how big the fire is. But to try and pretend there isn't even smoke at this point is just absurd.

Besides my point was simply to make you, and other Trump supporters, to look at your own hypocrisy with regards to what constitutes as reliable sources and evidence.
What confirmed? To me it appeared to result in little more than a wag over the finger because of bad email management, akin to what happened to Mike Pence when he was governor (and countless of other public officials). I know you're all frothing at the mouth of some bigger conspiracy at play, but if you objectively look at the verified evidence that the countless investigations and leaks provided - like a sane person - it's barely even worth talking about.

I'm not even going to entertain your mental gymnastics. It's clear that you have backed yourself into a corner as a loyal Trump supporter, and is desperately trying to save face. I could make you a timeline of the Trump presidency so far, and quite objectively make a clear case as to why this potentially is a big deal. There is a lot of smoke. Now Comey will testify in next week (I think), and there is a subpoena out for his memo and all financial documentation relating to Trump and his administrations prior dealings with Russian officials. And then we will see, or at least get a more accurate picture, of how big the fire is. But to try and pretend there isn't even smoke at this point is just absurd.

Besides my point was simply to make you, and other Trump supporters, to look at your own hypocrisy with regards to what constitutes as reliable sources and evidence.

Good post, but guys like @TheComebackKid left reality a long long time ago.

You can't save them, only troll them and rub their noses in their own shit.
daily reminder that this was literally nothing and liberals wasted their time again
You realize that Russia and Assad are allies and Assad and Israel hate each other. If this intel found it's way to Assad this could be very bad for Israel's agents on the ground. Even if the chance is remote, you cannot make these kind of mistakes as President.

If he wanted to share intel he should have let the CIA do their jobs and divulge only what was needed to the Russians. Instead this moron in an effort to impress probably spouted off:

"I have the best intel, nobody has better intel than me"

and proceeded to give details that he shouldn't have.

I do agree with you on his enemy's in the government the media, they were extremely reckless here.

You asked me: How can you be so sure any of that or anything at all will happen as a result of this "leak"?'

The path is there between the Russian's ---> Assad ----> Israel

Nothing may come of it but you don't take that chance with these kinds of operations.

So.... No.

So you completely disregard the actual known and existing threat that ISIS poses to Russia, and how this intel plays in that scenario...

For an imagined scenario where Assad uses the intel to go after an Israeli asset. Although none of that is sure to happen, and is literally a scenario you made up just now. Considering the fact that Assad is actively fighting ISIS, why would he waste time/money/assets to go after an Israeli spy who is in effect helping him? Plus Assad knows that we would extract our pound of flesh if he somehow got a hold of and abused our intel.

Making this even less likely is the fact that Israel and Russia do work together in some capacities (counter-terrorism) and Russia has literally no reason burn Israel.
Trumpettes are like the Diaz bros.

In their minds they've never lost a thread in their lives.

In version 1 of this thread they were literally claiming victory after Trump confirmed the original article.

1, 2, 5 Trumpettes.
feels bad man


Comey is the new hotness. The Libs gotta hope that "I hope you can let this go", will be seen as "Drop the investigation, or you'll be killed" by the IC. I have a felling that thread will dry up pretty fast too, once all the details come out.