Trump Reportedly Hides Boxes Of Sudafed In Desk, ‘Apprentice’ Staffer Says He Ate Drug ‘Like Candy’


Red Belt
Feb 22, 2012
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So, for a while I've been wondering if Trump was on drugs judging by his behaviour. The video of him partying with Epstein confirmed to me that at the time of the video he was high on Cocaine. Now there's a photo showing him with a desk full of Sudafed (Pseudoephedrine) which proves he does infact use uppers. Noel Casler and Tom Arnold have claimed to have seen Trump snorting adderall on the apprentice and that he'd also snort cocaine and used "high end methaphetamine" while off the set.


Donald Trump Reportedly Hides Boxes Of Sudafed In Desk, ‘Apprentice’ Staffer Says He Ate Drug ‘Like Candy’

During the 2016 presidential campaign, when Donald Trump was under fire for controversial remarks made about undocumented Latin American immigrants, he posted a photo to Twitter of himself eating a “taco bowl” in his Trump Tower office on Cinco de Mayo. The would-be president claimed in his tweet that the “best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill,” further declaring “I love Hispanics!” in conclusion.

But on Saturday, one sharp-eyed Twitter user noticed something else in the 41-month-old tweet. In the background, a desk drawer in Trump’s office is open. Visible inside the drawer are what appear to be multiple boxes of cold and sinus drug Sudafed.

For some reason, the type of Sudafed claimed to be present in the photo — a photo which can be seen below on this page — appears to be the type available only in the United Kingdom and Ireland. This formulation contains somewhat different ingredients than the American version of the popular cold remedy.

Why would Trump keep at least three boxes of U.K. Sudafed in his drawer? On September 9, a stand-up comedian — and former staff member on Trump’s long-running NBC TV reality competition show The Apprentice — posted the possible answer to this question on his own Twitter account.

“Trump snorted Adderall all thru the day on ‘Apprentice’ he also ate UK. Sudafed like candy,” tweeted former Apprentice staffer Noel Casler.

Last December, as The Inquisitr reported, Casler also claimed that while working on The Apprentice, Trump frequently abused Adderall, the brand name for the drug Dextroamphetamine-Amphetamine, a type of “speed.” In fact, Casler described Trump as a “speed freak” who craved the drug so intensely that, rather than swallow it in pill form, he would crush the pills, then “snort” them through his nose.

Though the U.S. version of Sudafed contains pseudoephedrine — the drug that is used in the production of methamphetamine — the U.K. version instead includes phenylephrine, which is also a nasal decongestant but is considered less effective than its American counterpart. But the U.K. version also contains caffeine, which is another stimulant.

“The point is he was always high,” Casler wrote in his September 9 tweet, describing his time working for The Apprentice. “That hasn’t changed.”

Casler is not alone in his allegations of Trump’s use of stimulant drugs. As The Inquisitr reported, journalist Kurt Eichenwald claimed last year that he had obtained the president’s medical records from 1982, records which ostensibly showed that Trump was prescribed the amphetamine Diethylpropion — also known as Tenuate — to treat what was described only as a “metabolic disorder.”

According to Eichenwald, though Diethylpropion is intended to be taken for only a few weeks at time, Trump consumed the drug regularly for about eight years, from 1982 to 1990.

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Yeah I bet Donald Trump just snorts adderall in front of Tom fucking Arnold.....does the left even realize how pathetic its getting. flat out desperation.
Meh. Honestly, his drug use is almost refreshingly normal compared to most of his shit
Now this, is definitely it.

“Trump snorted Adderall all thru the day on ‘Apprentice’ he also ate UK. Sudafed like candy,” tweeted former Apprentice staffer Noel Casler.

Wow, amazing source too.
Yeah I bet Donald Trump just snorts adderall in front of Tom fucking Arnold.....does the left even realize how pathetic its getting. flat out desperation.


Also noted from his office: 5 pictures of himself, 2 fake Academy awards.

LOL, and it's everyone else who's pathetic. Dictators could only dream of having one of you righties as an assistant.
Well, this TDS thread is off to a great start!
The public can relate to his behavior.
That looks like one box of something that starts with an S. It doesn't even look like the box that sudafed comes in. Sudafed comes in a box with red or orange trimming. Not green/blue trim.
Obama used Modafanil all kinds. Who gives a fuck. It's a stressful job and if it helps complete the task than by all means go for it.
Well, this TDS thread is off to a great start!

How is it deranged (or delusional, whatever the d in the fake disease denotes) that he clearly has a bunch of UK sudafed in his drawer, and that numerous people have accused him of drug use?
Obama used Modafanil all kinds. Who gives a fuck. It's a stressful job and if it helps complete the task than by all means go for it.

The picture, along with the claims of drug use, come well before he became President.
when the DNC started advertising to pay people to come up with stories, granting them whistleblower status and even changing the definition from first hand knowledge to hearsay they officially turned politics into the enquirer
It's amazing to watch the entire planet wasting their lives away following the every move of Trump. Talking about Trump all day. Blah blah. What sad lives lol
That looks like one box of something that starts with an S. It doesn't even look like the box that sudafed comes in. Sudafed comes in a box with red or orange trimming. Not green/blue trim.

You can clearly see it's Sudafed. And apparently the type in the green box is from the UK. The drawer is full of boxes of the stuff.

You can clearly see it's Sudafed. And apparently the type in the green box is from the UK. The drawer is full of boxes of the stuff.


No. You can't see clearly that it's Sudafed. But it is probably sudafed. And you only see one box.

And the green box is for mucus relief. Doesn't Trump sniff a lot? Perhaps he's using the one box of sudafed for it's intended purpose.