Opinion Trump opposes mail in vote election

Tucker: Ballot harvesting makes a mockery of the secret vote
Tucker: Ballot harvesting makes a mockery of the secret vote

If the GOP's aim isn't to discourage voter turnout because it will hurt their chances, maybe they shouldn't be shelving all election security measures that pass the house, only to die on Mitch Mcconnell's desk, yeah?

Furthermore, the compiled states on voter fraud, including ballot harvesting, simply don't exist at numbers even remotely close to impacting any elections whatsoever.

Take the Heritage Foundation compilation and contrast those cases against the total cast votes in those specific elections. Then go "Wow, the Republicans are pulling some bullshit here. What else are they lying about that I could easily see past?"


Every time State GOP members lose an election they make the claim of voter fraud. Then the GOP led state government does an investigation. Yet you never, ever hear about the results. Wonder why.

Also, are you ashamed of listening to Tucker, given the fact that he rails against the elites while being the product of immense wealth and privilege?