Elections Trump Now Indicted For Conspiracy To Defraud In Washington DC

Joseph Goebbels would be proud of their new Nazi party that goes by the name of the Democrat party. This shit is sad and pathetic and every brainwashed racist sheep that voted for Biden is lower than stepped-in dog shit...

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How many times are you sheep going to fall for a hoax by the propaganda army? Russia, Mueller? how many times are you going to be duped by your overlords?
This you bro?


I guess this isn’t the ending you expected, huh?
This you bro?


I guess this isn’t the ending you expected, huh?


Absolutely. And these are just the federal charges, I fully expect state charges out of GA soon. Trump is really, really fucked. As he should be.

Yeah, I've read that the prosecutor on GA has asked the court to clear the dockets for the first 2 weeks of August to prepare for the indictments. With the notion of Racketeering charges, there are going to be a bunch of indictments for all those involved with the effort to overturn/steal the election in GA. So it makes sense that she would request for all dockets to be cleared so that each person can be arraigned.
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Yeah, I've read that the prosecutor on GA has asked the court to clear the dockets for the first 2 weeks of August to prepare for the indictments. With the notion of Racketeering charges, there are going to be a bunch of indictments for all those involved with the effort to overturn/steal the election in GA. So it makes sense that she would request for all dockets to be cleared so that each person can be arraigned.
Yup, and there’s no way to pardon state charges. Trump is in some very serious shit here.

Edit: I guess I should clarify that no President can pardon state charges. I guess he could pray that various governors do.
It has now been 4 days since the last time that Zesto Molesto has gotten indicted for a crime. The orange rapist has now been indicted on 74 criminal charges. Molestini Cheetolini has now been indicted on 74 more charges than Obama and Brandon have ever been indicted on, combined. No former president knows getting indicted like Donald Trump. Not even Obama!

probably gonna have to reset the counter again on tuesday or thursday. law and order baby!

It has now been 0 days since the last time that Zesto Molesto has gotten indicted for a crime. The orange rapist has now been indicted on 77 criminal charges. Molestini Cheetolini has now been indicted on 77 more charges than Obama and Brandon have ever been indicted on, combined. No former president knows getting indicted like Donald Trump. Not even Obama!
It has now been 0 days since the last time that Zesto Molesto has gotten indicted for a crime. The orange rapist has now been indicted on 77 criminal charges. Molestini Cheetolini has now been indicted on 77 more charges than Obama and Brandon have ever been indicted on, combined. No former president knows getting indicted like Donald Trump. Not even Obama!
Think you missed one! 78 by my count.

34 from Bragg+ 37 from Smith originally + 3 added by Smith the other day + these 4 new ones.


If they don't have that, it's probably a massive waste of time, and frankly, I'd be pissed off too.
Just going by Smith's record I wouldn't go getting indignant just yet. {<shrug}

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