Social Trump Made Shocking Comments About Ivanka, Says Ex-Staffer

They say you can discount anything a person has said that comes before the word but. You sure proved it with that last paragraph. It's pretty telling that so many TR7MP supporters feel the need to deny it before they go on to explain why they'll vote for him.

And this politicization of the Justice system started with his own administration, not with the valid investigations into his actions, but by him claiming some Deep State was after him so he should be able to fire all the Democrats and install loyalists.

He isn't going to drain any swamp but he'll continue to milk his base and sell out our country for his personal benefit. "Quick let's try to get him elected before he faces a jury for his attack on our Democracy and National Security..." <BakerNo>
I’m not a Trump supporter but I feel he’s the lesser of two evils. You can get mad with your trump derangement system all you want but your anger should be focused at the failure of the two party system.

And no, he didn’t drain the swamp but things were better under him. He mostly maintained status quo but his foreign policy was a step up. I laugh every time I hear hyperbole BS like “His attack on our democracy” too lol.

It says a lot about the country when two senile guys in their 80’s with a ton of skeletons in their closets are the ones running for president. There should be an age limit of 65 and a term limit for congress. That would do more to drain the swamp than anything else and we’d all benefit.
I laugh every time I hear hyperbole BS like “His attack on our democracy” too lol.
He lost the election, it was confirmed by multiple audits and the more than 60 challenges he made in court that failed, but he still went along with a plot to have allied State Legislatures send fake Electors to vote for him anyway. What I find laughable is that anyone could just wave that off as not being an attack on our Democracy. The People spoke and TR7MP schemed to stay in power.
I looked on YouTube and it didn't pop up in the results. I'm not going to chase a clip that may or not be on the entire internet.

Either find it and post it, or its irrelevant to the discussion.

In 2006 Stern told Trump that his daughter Ivanka “looks more voluptuous than ever” but he corrected him: “She’s actually always been very voluptuous.” And then Stern basically baits Trump into giving him the OK to call his daughter “a piece of ass.”
Trump: “My daughter is beautiful.”
Stern: “By the way, your daughter…”
Trump: “She’s beautiful.”
Stern: “Can I say this? A piece of ass.”
Trump: “Yeah.”

Btw, the video was online just a few weeks ago, but now appears scrubbed.

In 2006 Stern told Trump that his daughter Ivanka “looks more voluptuous than ever” but he corrected him: “She’s actually always been very voluptuous.” And then Stern basically baits Trump into giving him the OK to call his daughter “a piece of ass.”
Trump: “My daughter is beautiful.”
Stern: “By the way, your daughter…”
Trump: “She’s beautiful.”
Stern: “Can I say this? A piece of ass.”
Trump: “Yeah.”

Btw, the video was online just a few weeks ago, but now appears scrubbed.

Not trusting quotes from an interview when video is conveniently scrubbed from the entire internet.

Especially when it was of an entertainment figurehead who's #1 priority is to be entertaining.

ESPECIALLY when its so relevant to those who don't put any relevancy on Biden's own sexual exploits with his own daughter.

One thing that's not often mentioned is that daughters who are molested/assaulted/raped by their fathers almost completely spurn their fathers in their adulthood.

*Ivanka is still, to this day, frequently seen with Trump. She was on The Apprentice with him, was in his White House staff, and she allows her 3 kids to be seen with Trump.

*When was the last time Ashley was seen with Biden? Like within a 10 foot radius? She has no offspring of her own, and that speaks volumes of her upbringing.

And that's an open question for anyone to answer. "When was Ashley seen with Biden?" Do they even spend holidays together? Birthdays? Special occasions?
Almost as if there wasn't dozens of examples of people making extreme negative claims about Trump that turned out to be probably (*provably) false or at the very least, complete bullshit... But someone said they heard it! No one cares about the shit flinging, muckraking yellow "journalism"...

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Almost as if there wasn't dozens of examples of people making extreme negative claims about Trump that turned out to be probably false or at the very least, complete bullshit... But someone said they heard it! No one cares about the shit flinging, muckraking yellow "journalism"...
It's almost as if there aren't tens of thousands of examples of TR7MP lying...<{hfved}>
It's public knowledge all the gross things Trump says about wanting to bang ivanka.

Vince mcmahon once tried to do a storyline in wwe where he'd bang his daughter. Trump and Vinnie Mac were buds, and vince's wife served in the Trump administration. Coincidence? These perverts all stick together.

But thankfully Ivanka is 42 now so much older than Trump prefers.
Did Ivanka ever write in her diary about her dad sneaking into the shower with her?

You Lefties are cooked.
Almost as if there wasn't dozens of examples of people making extreme negative claims about Trump that turned out to be probably false or at the very least, complete bullshit... But someone said they heard it! No one cares about the shit flinging, muckraking yellow "journalism"...
Explain this to me and how it doesn't match up with the weird shit he's accused of saying in this thread.

Half expecting you to call it a deep fake but I'll listen...
Did Ivanka ever write in her diary about her dad sneaking into the shower with her?

You Lefties are cooked.
Just the facts ma'am. Is what Ashley wrote not salacious enough for you? It makes you seem like a hack if you add stuff like her age or that he was sneaking into the shower with her.
he's the king of egotistical blowhards. "ivanka's not a prostitute but if she was, she would be the greatest prostitute in the world. everyone else is a 6 or 7 but she's a 10. they would come up to me with tears in their eyes. sir, your sperm would make the greatest prostitute in history".
Explain this to me and how it doesn't match up with the weird shit he's accused of saying in this thread.

Half expecting you to call it a deep fake but I'll listen...

He's a forthcoming person who says wild shit off the cuff? When Ivanka starts smoking crack and says her father molested her and took showers with her into her teens then give me a call...
lol at the repetition of lies around here like it's a job for some people.
He's a forthcoming person who says wild shit off the cuff? When Ivanka starts smoking crack and says her father molested her and took showers with her into her teens then give me a call...
Donald Trump is not a sick fuck who wants to plow his daughter because Hunter Biden is a Crack head. Solid logic.